Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland



May 6, 2013

Emmitsburg Town Office




Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Christopher Staiger, Patrick Joy, James Hoover and Tim O’Donnell, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Donna Despres, Town Clerk and Dave Haller, Town Manager.


I. Call to Order

Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the May 6, 2013 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the April 15, 2013 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioner(s) cited announcements to include upcoming meeting at Catoctin High School discussing drug problems in area; Community Gardens were upgraded through the efforts of volunteers and town staff and ready to be used; successful trail work day; spoke with president of the Emmitsburg Baseball and Softball league regarding display at Route 15 rest stop; Commissioner O’Donnell toured WWTP receiving insight to operation; Mid Atlantic Off-road Enthusiasts have lined up a donor for $30,000 for the Emmitsburg Trail efforts which matches existing grant.  Upcoming events include Friends of the Emmitsburg Library hosting a plant swap and a plant sale by Vigilant Hose. 


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited attendances to include Passport for Wealth at the Seton Center; the Lions Club luncheon dinner and yard sale; the Mount Athletic Advisory Committee meeting.  The Mount’s College of Liberal Arts will be having new programs for adults to get involved in.  There will be a new committee starting the Grotto Visitor Center will open.  Mayor Briggs also remembered Vernon Keilholtz who grew up here in Emmitsburg. 


Administrative Business

  • Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement – tabled until next meeting

  • Visibility difficulties at the Timbermill intersection meeting Route 140 – waiting to hear from SHA.  Mr. Haller will send email to Commissioner Staiger. 

  • Drug problems in town; request to have something included in the monthly police report

  • Thanks to town staff for speed bump placed on Huntley Circle and raised garden beds

  • Possible placement of speed bumps at Memorial Park – working on situation

  • Speeding on Huntley Circle – need to get address of the house where this is taking place

  • Pylons at Rainbow Lake that hold wire to keep people off grass needs fixed – already on repair list

  • Mayor reported that there were two construction meetings for new WWTP

  • Handout was given on Code of Conduct for City of Brunswick; would like to see something like this done for Emmitsburg


Consent Agenda - none



Treasurer’s Report - Commissioner Sweeney reported on April 2013 cash activity.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.

Planning Commission Report – Commissioner Joy reported that the Planning Commission met on April 29, 2013.  Agenda items were to change section 17.08.170 Prohibited Uses - change chickens to roosters, which was done and will come back to Board for final approval.  The other item was the annual report which was reviewed and approved. 



II.       Agenda Items


Public hearing to set revised water rates - Ordinance 13.07

Mr. Haller stated that this is the completion of the activity that the Board spent a couple meetings on coming to the rates listed in the ordinance which needs to be finalized.  The rates will become effective July 1, 2013 once approved.                                                                                           

Motion:  to approve Ordinance 13.07 Water Rates to set revised water rates as presented.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Hoover. 

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Mayor’s presentation of 2014 budget

Mayor Briggs addressed the residents of Emmitsburg and highlighted projects and enhancements that were accomplished since he came into office before presenting the 2014 annual budget.  He stated his priorities for 2014 are a continuation of the goals that he came into office with; economics and activity programs.  The Board of Commissioners received a copy of the budget to review for the next meeting.  The Town Clerk, Donna Despres was available for any questions.  Mayor Briggs proposed a 2% COLA for employees.  The budget is balanced at basically the same amount as last year.  The tax base has decreased 23.6% over the last four years.  The 2014 budget will be 1.6 million and the water and sewer enterprise fund will be 1.3 million. 


Set tax rate for 2014 – discussion

Mr. Haller reported that town can provide the same services as last year without an increase in the tax rate.  Staff’s recommendation is for the tax rate to remain at .36 cents per hundred dollars of assessed value.   The 2014 budget has been prepared on this rate.  If rate is not raised there is no advertisement requirement, but it does need to be into the county by the end of May. 


Set Agenda Items for May 20, 2013 Town Meeting

  1.  Set 2014 constant yield tax rate

  2.  Fiscal Year 2014 budget

  3.  Planning Commission annual report – Consent Agenda

  4.  Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement – Administrative Business



III.     Public CommentsDennis Ott, Thurmont Community Ambulance Company   – requesting to use the trails for ATV rescue trainings. 

Motion - to allow the Thurmont Community Ambulance Company to have a training exercise on town land at Rainbow Lake on the trails in order to practice onsite rescue.

Motion by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Sweeney.

                                              Vote 5-0 in favor.


David Smith, President of Persona Custom Homes - approached the board in regards to tap fees with possible interest in building in the town.  Commissioner Hoover recommended scheduling a future workshop to discuss.  Commissioner Staiger stated that since 2008, fees have gone down 30% and that surcharges have been removed.  Lori Shirk, 50 Depaul Street,  Apt. A2 – made a suggestion to Board for some kind of youth center to be started; could possibly help with drug problem in town.  She was directed that a good place to start for networking and connections would be the Daughters of Charity.






V.        Adjournment


With no further business, the May 6, 2013 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.