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Habitat for Humanity to begin
 construction in Spring

(1/5) At its January 4th workshop, the City Council was briefed on Habit for Humanity’s efforts to start building it’s much anticipated duplex home on Baltimore Street.

"We hope to start construction in early spring," said Scott Swartz, of habit for Humanity.

According to Swartz, Habitat For Humanity wanted to start building in 2020, but "COVID threw a big monkey wrench into our plan."

When the pandemic began to wane, "we tried to restart, but were unable to get enough volunteers. So we put it on hold again," said Swartz. A third attempt to start the project was also put on hold due to sky-high cost of lumber and building supplies, which, as Swartz stated, "impacted our ability to provide affordable housing which is our goal."

According to breakdown of pre-COVID and post-COVID cost provided by Swartz to the Council, the cost for each unit of the duplex increased by $42,000 due to COVID supply issues. The cost increases were "mind boggling," said Mayor Wantz as he read over the detailed costs increases.

Looking to reduce costs where they could, Swartz asked the City Council if they could offer the project a reduced rated for hooking up to the Town’s sewer and water system. "As of right now, we are at $17,000 in fees, of which $16,000 is just hooking up the water & sewer systems."

Swartz acknowledged that it was not normal for a developer to come in and ask for a reduction in fees, but as Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, he hoped the Council would consider it.

Swartz went on talk about how hard it is for many these days to buy a house, especially in Carroll County, "People with families often have to decide between having a roof over their head or feeding their families. All we are trying to do it make it a little bit easer for just one family."

The home to be built will be a LEED certified home. A LEED-certified home is a green home, designed to have a positive impact on energy efficiency, environmental performance and human well-being. Key benefits to LEED Certification include reductions in a building’s environmental impact by reducing the use of energy, water and other resources and creating a healthier indoor living space.

Mayor Wantz said there was currently no city program to give the relief requested, "This is a unique request" Wantz said, "but it’s also a unique program, something that Taneytown hasn’t had before."

The property on which the duplex will be built was donated to Habitat for Humanity back in 2016. "Habitat for Humanity," Swartz said, "tries to make enough money from each house to fund the start of their next house." In this case however, due to the cost increase, "we are just going to break even, if we are lucky."

Councilman Dan Haines said he did not think this was an unreasonable request. "This is a unique request coming from unique circumstances [the impact of COVID]" Haines went on to note that Habitat for Humanity is not your typical builder, but was doing something for the greater good and that Taneytown would benefit from it. He said he would be in favor of offering the relief asked.

Councilwomen Judith Fuller however pointed out that while she was sympathetic, that the city’s cost had gone up as well, and the City needed to cover its cost.

Swartz also asked for a waver to the City sign ordnance to allow them to put up a bigger sign to list all the local business and community members who have donated time, money and materials to make this project a reality. "The current sign ordnance would not allow us to do justice to everyone who has pitched in."

Swartz also said Habitat for Humanity was in talks with another landowner in Taneytown and if they can seal the deal, hopes to build a little veterans’ village in Taneytown.

The council agreed to consider Habitat for Humanity’s request for reduced permit fees and plans to take the subject up at its February meeting.

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