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Trailer ordinance still a hot topic

(3/23) A proposed ordinance that limits the number of items not regulated by the motor vehicle code - such as boats, trailers, and four-wheelers within the limits of Carroll Valley continues to linger in discussion.

Last May, the council approved an ordinance that states only one trailer per property is allowed unless the parcel is more than two acres. Many residents were not happy with the restriction and have been very vocal about it.

In last February’s Council meetings it has been suggested to limit residents to two trailers, one in the front of the property and one elsewhere on the land.

Borough Council Manager Dave Hazlett proposed at the March meeting to increase the number of permitted trailers to three total. "We have to have a limit," said Hazlett; and, after talking to residents, three was found to be the magic number. However, that is just a recommendation, and it could be voted to make it higher.

Hazlett also recommended removing any vehicles from this ordinance that have engines, stating that those types of motor vehicles are regulated by a different code that was approved last month. This would include recreational vehicles and truck tractors.

The "Council understands and agrees that it is not being enforced," Hazlett said. "Until the matter is resolved, there will not be enforcement of the trailer provision." He recommended for anyone who has opinions about it and wants to be a part of the discussion to come to a planning commission meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., April 3 in borough hall.

Traditionally, volunteering for and attending the planning commission meetings is about as unpopular as the proposed ordinance, council leaders noted. However the commission, which serves as a recommending body to council, has recently filled all vacancies.

Hazlett acknowledged attending meetings does not work for everyone’s schedule. He invited those with ideas to email him at Hazlett said he forwards all communication with elected council members.

Hazlett said he will draft an ordinance for the commission to review in April. If the planning commission approves Hazlett’s draft, the proposal could be presented to the Borough Council in May.

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