Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(7/2023) The summer season has begun. Even though Carroll Valley residents have experienced several rainy days, as of June 21st, Adams County is experiencing abnormally dry conditions. The background National Drought Mitigation Center, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have created a U.S. Drought Monitor application that depicts the location and intensity of drought across the country using five classifications. The five classifications are Abnormally Dry, showing areas that may be going into or are coming out of drought, and four levels of drought which are D1 – Moderate Drought, D2 – Severe Drought, D3 – Extreme Drought, and D4 – Exceptional Drought.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) posted a news release on June 15th that announced that PA DEP declared a statewide drought watch and recommended voluntary water conservation. Residents are encouraged to reduce their nonessential water use by 5-10 percent. Some examples are: (1) Run the dishwasher and washing machine less often, (2) Water your lawn only if necessary and Water your garden less often, and (3) Skip the care washing. If you have to wash your car, it is better environmentally to go to a drive-through car wash that recycles the water. Please consider these recommendations when using water.

During July and August, we need to pay attention to heat advisories. It would be best to understand the difference between an "Excessive Heat Warning" and a "Heat Advisory." Excessive Heat Warning means "the Heat Index values are forecast to meet or exceed locally defined warning criteria for a least two days (daytime highs = 105E – 110E Fahrenheit)." A Heat Advisory means the "Heat Index is forecast to meet locally defined advisory criteria for 1 to 2 days (daytime highs = 100E – 105E Fahrenheit)". During a heat wave, you should listen to the updates from the National Weather Service. Stay hydrated by drinking fluids. Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol. Use the buddy system when working in excessive heat and take frequent breaks if you must work outdoors. Check on your animals frequently to ensure they do not suffer from the heat. Please discuss heat safety precautions with members of your household.

Robin Dicken of Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors (FNHN) would like to thank everyone who came out to enjoy their ice cream social held at the Carroll Valley Pavilion. Thank you, Carroll Valley, for your continued support. While the attendees enjoyed the ice cream donated by Mr. G's Ice Cream, they were entertained by the gospel music of the Bluegrass Chapel Band for two hours – a huge thank you to Bluegrass Chapel Band and Mr. G's Ice Cream. The following volunteers helped to make this a very successful event: Janet Rapuano, Marcy Vanmetre, Brandy Mosser, Susie Gills, Carlos, and Doris Wampler. Also, FNHN wishes to thank all those who donated items to this event. As Robin expressed, "We have a very generous community." FNHN is now planning their fall/winter clothing giveaway in October.

This month, we celebrate the 247th anniversary of the birth of our country on July 4th. Well, living up to the words of John Adams, Carroll Valley Borough is planning to hold its 247th-anniversary festival in Carroll Valley Commons on July 4th. The party begins at 6:30 p.m. with the entertainment provided by "The Reagan Years" band playing Pop, Rock, New Wave, and Metal hits of the M-TV Era. Fireworks are set to go off at 9:45 p.m. from the top of Liberty Mountain. Free parking is available on the Carroll Valley Common Grounds and the Liberty Mountain parking lot. Bus service between Liberty Mountain and the Carroll Valley Commons parking lots will be available.

The venue is all grass seating, so bring chairs or blankets and save a little room around you to dance! Speaking about dancing, there is a small dance floor in front of the outdoor stage for you to show off your moves and enjoy the music. Hope to see you there. I am the guy with the camera taking pictures that will be shared with everyone after the event.

Two items to share with our residents that recently surfaced are Dirt Bikes and the Discharge of Firearms in the Borough. Dirt bikes can be ridden on one's property or with the owner's permission. However, unless licensed, they cannot be ridden on Borough roads. In this case, the Carroll Valley Police Department should be notified by calling 717-334-8101 for Police Dispatch. The discharge of firearms is prohibited in the Borough except in the necessary defense of person and property; additional exceptions are provided in §6-102, Part 1- Prohibiting Discharge of Firearms. To read the entire script regarding the discharge of firearms (exceptions and penalties for violation of the ordinance), go to the Borough Ordinances Chapter 6 – Conduct.

The Borough will be holding the following meetings in July: Planning Commission (Monday – July 3rd), Borough Council (Tuesday – July 11th), Public Sewer Advisory Committee (Monday – July 24th), and the Parks and Recreation Committee (Wednesday – July 26th). The Borough Office will be closed on Tuesday – July 4th, Federal Holiday. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at or by cell at 301-606-2021. Be careful driving on the trails. Please slow down.

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