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County Commissioner Candidate Rob Smith

(10/2023)  Even though I have written for this publication before, I would like to re-introduce myself. My name is Rob Smith, and I am running for Adams County Commissioner. I am employed by Abarta Coca-Cola Beverages as an Account Manager and have served on the Biglerville Borough Council since 2011. I also serve on the Northern Adams Regional Emergency Management Agency as a representative for the Borough of Biglerville.

While on the Biglerville Borough Council, I served as the Water Committee's Chairman. I have also served on the Planning, Ordinance, and Safety Committees. I have worked with other members of the Council and Borough Employees across party lines and through disagreements. What always mattered the most in our decisions was what was suitable for the people and the future of the Borough of Biglerville.

In February of this year, I entered the race for Adams County Commissioner. I decided to run because, as a husband and father, I care about the people and the future of Adams County. In these last seven months of meeting and talking to the people of Adams County, the most frequently asked question is: What is a County Commissioner, and what does a County Commissioner do?

The Adams County Board of Commissioners has three members and is the main governing party of the County. As a Commission, the three members manage the County's finances and budget. The budget includes funds to maintain the Court of Common Pleas and the Adult Correctional Complex operation. They also represent the County's interests at the state and federal levels. In addition to fiscal management, the Commissioners are involved with policy-making and the administration of the County's affairs, which includes many departments and programs involved with human services, health, and public safety.

While this answer alone does not include all of a commissioner's responsibilities, those mentioned are important to the three main issues of our campaign: Fiscal Responsibility, Child Services, and Mental Health Services. These three issues are essential to the people of Adams County—three issues that have been our campaign's focus.



Fiscal Responsibility should always be a priority. Spending should be controlled to keep taxes low. The money allocated for expenses should be monitored and directed transparently to the areas of the County Government where it can be most efficiently spent and effective, especially in areas of Mental Health Services, Children and Youth Services, the Adult Correctional Complex, and the Courts.

The Department of Children and Youth Services in Adams County is there to protect children from any form of abuse and neglect. Adequate funding is necessary to ensure no child goes to bed hungry and parents or temporary caregivers receive the support the County can provide. Hence, all children get the nutritional and emotional support they need and deserve.

Mental Health Services have never been more critical than now. Everyone will acknowledge that Mental Health Services need more funding, whether it involves one's work environment, home life, or everyday activities. The Department of York/Adams Mental Health-Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, which a Joint Board of Commissioners manages, should receive all the required funding.

This is a positive campaign. I am not running against any individual. I am not running in crisis. I am running because I care about the people and the future of Adams County, and in that spirit, I would like to send out a message of hope and compassion. Hope for the future and Compassion for our fellow human beings. Every person in Adams County matters no matter who you are.

I can bring a fresh perspective to the Adams County Board of Commissioners. When something is the same for an extended amount of time, a sense of normalcy can set in, and people begin to accept the status quo when, in reality, more and new things could be accomplished. I have seen the hope and compassion in the People of Adams County over the years, and there is an amazing amount of potential for where that hope and compassion can grow.

Please remember to get out and vote on Election Day, November 7. Polls are open 7 am-8 pm. There are four candidates for Adams County Commissioner. You are allowed to vote for two. You, the People of Adams County, have a voice, and your voice matters. Never let anyone take your voice away by telling you your vote does not make a difference. Let no one tell you they know how the election will turn out, so there is no sense in voting. Your vote always matters. Elections matter, and that is why we have them. To say to someone their vote does not count is just another form of voter suppression. Polls, numbers, or money should not hold us back. A person's vote matters more than any of those things, and it is a right that must be protected for everyone.

Suppose the people of Adams County give me the privilege to serve as County Commissioner. In that case, I will use my abilities and experience to serve the people of Adams County with Integrity, Trust, and Commitment. I will always listen to the people and what they have to say. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I would love to hear what you have to say.

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