Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland


November 16, 2015
Emmitsburg Town Office

Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Joseph Ritz III, Jennifer Mellor, Glenn Blanchard and Tim O’Donnell, President.

Staff present were Amy Naill, Recording Secretary; Sue Cipperly, Town Manager; and Dave Haller, Town Manager.

Absent:  None

I.       Call to Order -Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the November 16, 2015 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

Approval of Minutes - The Minutes of the November 16, 2015 Town Meeting were approved as presented/modified. Motion by Commissioner Ritz III and second by Commissioner Mellor.  Passed 5-0.

Police Report -  Deputy Whitehouse presented the police report for October 2015.  He reminded people to lock their cars and take their valuables inside.  Disorderly calls were down for the month.  He is still observing violations on Lincoln Ave. during rush hour traffic such as speed, stop sign, and failure to obey traffic control devices.  Two heroin overdoses in the month of October and in both incidents narcan was used.  He has received complaints about speed and stop sign violations in Silo Hill as well as DePaul St. Commissioner Mellor asked what could be done to stop the speeding and stop sign violations.  DFC. Whitehouse said more enforcement and being more visible.  Commissioner Ritz III asked about the ball field area by Southgate after hours.  There has been some suspicious activity.  Mr. Haller said barriers could be installed but Staff would close it down at 4pm which would create a lot of problems.  Dfc. Whitehouse suggested signage such as “no trespassing.”  Commissioner O’Donnell suggested bringing this back as a discussion item at a future meeting.  Detailed report at Exhibit B.  

Commissioner Comments -Commissioner(s) cited attendances, recognitions and announcements.  Commissioners Ritz III and Blanchard along with the Mayor placed a wreath in honor of our Veterans at the site of the Doughboy.  Commissioner Blanchard would like the Veterans Ceremony be a yearly tradition.  Commissioner Blanchard received an invitation to go Washington DC to the Library of Congress for an event honoring the Civil Rights movement.  Commissioner O’Donnell working with Terry Maxwell, SHA, regarding the RTP grant funding.  He reiterated the need to educate people on the dangers of heroin use.  He received a strongly worded email from Zenas Sykes about the snow plowing policy.  Commissioner O’Donnell would like to clarify a few things.  Mr. Sykes’ email addressed the concern about the plants and sidewalks being damaged by the Town snow plows and de-icers in Timbermill Ct. and an offensive sign has been placed within the property confines.  Mr. Sykes’ requests the wording on the sign be changed should it need to stay and be relocated to a mutually agreed location or be removed entirely.  Commissioner O’Donnell responded to Mr. Skyes stating the following:  “the signage was posted at the request of Town staff and contractors who had difficulty plowing throughout the Town. The goal of the signs is to remind those that park on the streets to relocate their cars when significant snow is imminent.”  Mr. Haller advised the light posts are within the easement and the Town owns all the light posts and that the homeowner owns the property starting at one foot past the sidewalk.  Town staff and contractors brought forth the concerns about the plowing.  Mr. Haller stated that there were residents who came to the Board with concerns about the plowing and parking of vehicles at an earlier meeting.   

Mayor’s Comments – As a tribute to the tragedy in France, he placed the Blue, White and Red wreath in the meeting room.  On January 23, 2016 10am-12pm at the Thurmont Public Library, he will attend the Solid Waste Steering Committee meeting and hopes all Commissioners will attend as well.  He stated we have approximately 18 years left in our landfill if continue at this pace.  On November 18th, Mayor Briggs gave a presentation to the 4th grade at Emmitsburg Elementary School.  On December 18th, the Emmitsburg Elementary School will be decorating the tree in front of the community center.  There are two more meetings scheduled with SHA in December about the square project.  The website is being worked on as well as how to be able to accept online bill pay.  Program open space will give us $13,000 for the dog park which is about 80% funding as well as $3,000 for a backstop at the baseball field.  Will start cutting trails for Boy Scouts at the Scott Road Farm.  

Administrative Business - none  

Consent Agenda - none  


Town Manager Report - reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  Mr. Haller advised the Town is in good shape on water and the reservoir is at the spillway level.  There is a 12.5” surplus in precipitation over the last six months.  There were heavy rains last month that accounted for being over design capacity at the sewer plant on five days.  There were no spills of untreated sewerage in the month of October.  The plant is set-up and running very well.  Commissioner O’Donnell asked about the GIS system.  Mr. Haller advised staff will have access to some of the County GIS information.  It will be refined to our Town and eventually over a course of years there will be manholes, etc. on it.  It will be a multi-year project. Mr. Haller advised the Board approved in the budget the initial purchase of the GIS equipment and services.  Commissioner O’Donnell questioned if there had been contractors cleaning at the water treatment plant on Crystal Fountain Rd.  Mr. Haller advised as part of the maintenance program a contractor comes every year to inspect the tank.  This year the inspection revealed the tank needed to be stripped and painted. Commissioner Mellor asked about the pool contract requests.  Mr. Haller informed the Board that we have not received any bid requests but we are advertising.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.   

II.        Agenda Items  

Noise and Nuisance Ordinance – discussion item

The Board was provided a draft document along with Town Attorney comments.  Mr. Haller advised staff drafted an ordinance based on comments and discussions at previous meetings.  The draft was sent to the Town Attorney who responded with the attached comments.  Mr. Haller and staff have reviewed the comments and feel that all are reasonable.  Staff would like to bring this back at the first of the year.  Mr. Haller encouraged them to review the comments.  If you see something that you don’t like or have questions about, please email staff.  Otherwise, we will incorporate the comments made by the Town Attorney and bring back for your approval in early January.  Commissioner Ritz III asked if the public is able to see the proposed draft ordinance.  The general consensus of the Board was the draft ordinance should be posted online and available at the front desk marked draft.   

Adoption of 2015 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the Town of Emmitsburg

Ms. Cipperly advised after the public hearing on October 5, 2015 was left open regarding the draft 2015 Comprehensive plan she has received no input from anyone since then.  She recommended the Board close the record of the open public hearing on the draft comprehensive plan.                                                                                                                                                               

Motion: - To  close the October 5th public hearing record
Motion by Commissioner Sweeney second by Commissioner Mellor

Vote: 5-0 in favor

Ms. Cipperly advised the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan is done through an ordinance rather than a resolution since there is a zoning change. She reviewed the key points of the ordinance with the Board.  Commissioner O’Donnell reviewed an email he received from Mount St. Mary’s University.  The email supports the Town’s efforts in the Comprehensive Plan and requests the Boards assistance and continued support as the University develops in the future.  

Motion: - To adopt Ordinance 15-07 Adoption of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the Town of Emmitsburg as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Sweeney second by Commissioner Mellor

Vote: 5-0 in favor

Holiday parking for December – meter parking

Staff recommends December 18th through January 4, 2016.  Commissioner Ritz asked about making it for the entire month of December.  Mr. Haller advised that this is not beneficial for the businesses on Main St. Commissioner Sweeney proposed the starting date be December 14, 2015.  

          Motion:  to set the holiday parking December 14, 2015 through January 4, 2016 as modified.
Motion by Commissioner Ritz second by Commissioner Blanchard.
            Vote: 5-0 in favor  

Set Agenda Items for December 8, 2015 Town Meeting

  1. Final vote related to establishing a spending limit for repair of Doughboy memorial.

2. Discuss draft ordinance regarding side yard setbacks for accessory structures in   specific residential zones.

III        Public Comments - None  


IV        Adjournment

          With no further business, the November 16, 2015 Town Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.

                                                                                 Respectfully submitted,  

                                                                   Cathy Willets

                                                                   Town Clerk

                                                                   Date Approved: December 8, 2015