On the Anniversary of 911 - a Relection!

September 11, 2005 - Keysville Church - Rally Day 2005

True healing will come in time. True healing can only begin when we place that tragic moment in the hands of the Good Shepherd.

Perhaps the circumstances of that unfathomable tragedy will never be fully known to any of us. But this we know: Jesus encounters us with love. This is not just a Deacon's pious words. This is not just the comforting sentiment of the Church. We know this in faith, because we have the very words and ministry of Jesus to tell us so.

At this very moment, our faith allows us to hope and pray that all innocent victims who lost their lives are now in the Presence of our Savior.

At this very moment, our faith challenges us to believe that God's Mercy extends into those human situations wherein we experience death and love.

At this very moment, our faith moves us to care for one another.

On this occasion, our faith calls us to look to that life-giving Word of God who became flesh in our midst. This invitation comes in the words of Jesus himself: "Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

Still we ask the inevitable burning question, "Why?" And there is no easy answer that will make all things clear. Rather than an easy answer to our question, we are offered the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.

Though totally innocent, Jesus suffered much. And He willingly handed everything over to the Father so that all fragments would be made whole. In the Garden of His Passion, where His sweat became blood, He turned to the Father for strength.

Here and now, in the garden of our own passion, we turn to the Father, pleading for strength.

Our faith enables us to hope and pray that those who were so senselessly lost are now safe in the arms of Jesus. For death does not have the last word.

This community of faith believes that Jesus Christ has gone through death before us; that He has conquered the evil of death, so that we might have the strength to face it.

We of the Christian Community lean on love of one another. Hard-pressed as our faith may be, our Christian solidarity will hold us together in the hope of everlasting life.

Thanks be to God!!!!!


Read more sermons by Deacon Charlie