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Mechanicstown Area Civil War Soldiers

(Company D, 6th Maryland Infantry)

John Miller

Our goal is to provide viewers a single internet source to learn the life history of each of the soldiers of that were raised in Northern Frederick County, Maryland. As you can tell, we have a long way to go to fill in the gaps. If you would like to contribute any material (prewar, war, or postwar) for our archives - such as memoirs, photographs, and letters on the members of Cole's Cavalry and the 6th Maryland Infantry Co. "D" please contact us at history@emmitsburg.net.

As always, if you have any information that could help us expand or improve our
archives on knowledge of the solders of Cole's Calvary or the 6th Maryland Infantry please send it to us at history@emmitsburg.net

John A. Miller, Emmitsburg Civil War Historian

Read other articles by John Miller