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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(4/2022) Welcome Spring! Winter seemed to hang on as we endured some additional snow, wind, and ice issues during the month of March in our township. Those weather conditions caused trees and utility lines to come down onto the roadways. Weather is unpredictable and we make the best attempt to clear the roadways as quickly as possible. If you see any potential roadway hazards, please report them immediately. Utility line issues can be reported to the cable or power company once you obtain the pole number.

I would like to thank residents for continuing to address driveway water runoff issues. It is important that we stay vigilant with stormwater management keeping as much water off the roads and into the ditch line. Please be mindful to keep the ditches open under your driveways. We will be addressing some issues on McGlaughlin, Boyle, and Orchard Roads this coming summer clearing out the ditches and adding riprap where required.

The Supervisors performed the Annual Road Audit inspection on March 19, and a creation of a five-year township road maintenance plan is underway. Old Waynesboro Road from Jacks Mountain Road to Route 16 will be closed for approximately one week in May or June for bridge repair work. A notice will be posted prior to the start of the project.

Our 2016 police cruiser recently received a new transmission. We are applying for a grant for a new police car to upgrade our fleet to be better equipped to provide Police services to three municipalities. The 2021 Audit of Township finances was completed on time by a SEK, CPAs & Advisors and reported no significant findings. We are in the final stages of the review and adoption of the Liberty Township Code and expect to have it available online for the public by July 2022. The Municipal Solid Waste Collection/Disposal And Recycling Contract with Parks Garbage was renewed, and we are happy to report that electronic recycling events will be provided again for Parks’ customers.

We always look for input from the residents. Please reach out to us with concerns or suggestions and we will review them and address them the best way we can. Thank you again for your support. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

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