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Get ready for Pippinfest 2022!

(6/26) Mark your calendar for the annual Pippinfest, which is set for September 24th and 25th. The organization and planning for Pippinfest, Fairfield's "Old Fashioned Street Festival," is well underway.

This year Pippinfest will be celebrating its 41st anniversary! Founded by David Thomas, then owner of the Fairfield Inn, Pippinfest, named for the Pippin apple, was initiated to provide opportunities for local clubs and non-profit organizations to raise funds and to provide a community-wide celebration of the annual apple harvest. From David’s efforts along with a supportive citizenry, an all-day street festival was born. Over the years the festival has evolved into a two-day event.

Community and local business’ support contributes significantly to the success of the annual festival and Pippinfest allows Fairfield area non-profits to fund raise for their causes. Local Scout troops, high school groups, churches and many others are able to sell food, drinks and other goods in order to help raise money for their organizations. The festival introduces the Fairfield community to new visitors, fosters an environment of fun for everyone, and brings local community members together.

As in prior years, Pippinfest festivities will be held throughout much of the town. Saturday the 24th traditionally focuses on community-wide yard sales.

Sunday the 25th is considered the main event day of Pippinfest. Along with the craft and food vendors, musical entertainment will be on-going throughout the day. The Committee anticipates that nearly a dozen band will perform at various locations in the Village. Carriage Rides, a Cruise-in Car Show and Swap Meet, a display of Pippinfest pottery, and street entertainment will engage festival goers of all ages on Sunday. Parking is free in the designated Village lots.

Both days’ events include craft and food vendors, a Kids’ Corner with a number of popular activities including inflatable rides, pony rides, and a dime pitch. Self-guided walking tours of Fairfield and a quilt show and demonstration are also available both days.

If you would like to participate as a craft vendor at Pippinfest, an application can be obtained at The Pippinfest Committee welcomes volunteers to help at the event and anyone wishing to volunteer or to serve on the Pippinfest Committee should contact Sally Thomas at or complete the information form on the Pippinfest website.

For more information on the event, visit the Pippinfest website at

You can also call the Fairfield Borough Office at 717-642-5640. See you in September!

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