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Hamiltonban Township Launches
 2020 Pick Up Pennsylvania

(3/5) Join the 15th annual Hamiltonban Highway Cleanup. Be a part of this ambitious statewide effort to remove litter and trash from the Township roadways, parks, forests, creekbanks, neighborhoods, and open spaces. Hamiltonban Township is seeking volunteers as part of the Great American Cleanup of PA, on Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Rain date will be April 25th. Last year volunteers from around the Township participated, some for the day, others for an hour or two. Whatever time you give makes a difference for the environment and community.

Hamiltonban Township is looking for volunteers to participate. Community and civic associations, schools and youth groups, families and friends, business employees, hunting and fishing clubs, conservation organizations, sports teams, and others can organize their members and participate in the 15th Annual Hamiltonban Highway Cleanup.

Pick Up Pennsylvania is a program of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and is held in conjunction with Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup; the country’s largest community improvement program that engages more than 4 million volunteers and participants from more than 20,000 communities across the country to take local action to create positive change and lasting impact.

The results of a recent statewide study on litter, conducted by the Pennsylvania Departments of Environmental Protection and Transportation and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, found that there are currently an estimated 500 million pieces of litter on Pennsylvania roadways; it is estimated to be composed of over 37% cigarette butts and over 30% plastic items. Among other things, this litter pollutes our environment and affects our quality of life.

"We are so grateful to our volunteers, local officials and sponsors who make our premier community improvement initiative possible," said Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. "Your help is needed more than ever. The responsibility of clean and beautiful neighborhoods belongs to us. This initiative provides tools and resources at no cost to our residents. If everyone picked up one bag of litter this spring, the results would be pretty powerful."

The 2019 initiative engaged 92,342 invaluable volunteers in 5,356 events across the state that focused on community greening, beautification and cleanups. Organized groups, civic organizations, families and friends took to Pennsylvania parks, trails and streets to reclaim their neighborhoods by picking up over six million pounds of trash and recyclables, 19,082 tires and planting 8,580 flowers, bulbs and other plants in an effort to keep Pennsylvania beautiful.

The area of the township is 39 square miles, and there is a total of 50 miles of paved roads, including 31mles of roads maintained by the Township and 19 miles of roads maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For more information visit the Hamiltonban Township website at or contact the Township Office at 717-642-8509.

About Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful; Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s mission is empowering Pennsylvanians to make our communities clean and beautiful. Since 1990, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and its volunteers have removed over 141 million pounds of litter from Pennsylvania’s roadways, greenways, parks, forests, and waterways. To learn more about Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, visit

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