Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of
County Executive Jan Gardner

(9/2020) Rural roads

If you love Frederick County’s rural and scenic roads, consider serving on our new Rural and Scenic Roads Advisory Committee. The committee is being formed to refresh the County’s Rural Roads Program. The goal is to enhance the appeal of these hidden gems while ensuring safe travel for local residents and visitors alike. Since the Rural Roads Program began almost 20 years ago, over 80 miles of roadway have been incorporated into the plan. More than half of those roads, 46 miles, are gravel roads, and 30 miles are tar-and-chip covered. There are another six miles of asphalt roads in the program.

I hosted a public roundtable on Rural Roads earlier this year. One of the recommendations was to form the advisory committee. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please send an email to


Thanks to citizens who are wearing face coverings and keeping distance from others, Frederick County continues to flatten the curve on coronavirus cases in our community. But, we are not out of the woods yet. The risk is still real. Sadly, several more of our neighbors have died from COVID-19 in the past few weeks. We must stay vigilant! It is up to all of us to do our part.

As we slowly and gradually find safe ways to resume some activities, we know there are challenges ahead. One major challenge to reopening is the availability of child care. We know child care is key to opening our economy and supporting our families. Without someone to watch their children, many parents are not able to return to work. With fewer children allowed and expensive cleaning requirements, providers were in a tough place at a time when our community needed them more than ever. In early August, close to 30% of providers in Frederick County remained closed.

So I launched a grant program, using federal CARES Act dollars, to help cover the costs that child care centers and in-home providers face to meet new health guidelines. Working with the nonprofit Child Care Choices, the County was able to provide one-time grants to about 300 licensed providers in Frederick County. Eligible family providers received $4,100 each. Centers with up to 59 children were awarded $5,100 grants, and centers with 60 or more children received $6,800 grants. Several providers told us that without these grants, they would not have been able to reopen their doors. The County offered similar support for our small businesses and our farmers earlier this year with our Jump Start grant program.

We are working hard to support people and our economy so we can all thrive in Frederick County!

I know people in our community are feeling anxiety and uncertainty from the economic and health impacts of the coronavirus as well as from isolation. People are worried about their finances, their health, the education of their children, the lack of social interaction with family and friends, and are simply weary of the limitations on our normal lives. I hear and feel the anger, frustration, and anxiety. It is all normal and to be expected under the circumstances. Frederick County is a caring community. Take a minute and call a friend or family member who may be experiencing isolation. Take the opportunity to go for a walk or visit one of our parks or historic sites. Be patient and kind. Do your best. Together, we will get through the pandemic and will be stronger and thrive again.

The Election

The November 3rd election is right around the corner. Make your voice heard by voting. Because of the coronavirus, this Fall’s election will look a little different, with several options for casting your ballot.

  • Early voting – From October 26th through November 3rd, registered voters can go to any of Frederick County’s four early voting sites: Catoctin High School, Gov. Thomas Johnson High School, Middletown Volunteer Fire Department Activities Building, and Urbana Regional Library. These sites will be open every day from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
  • Mail-in (absentee) voting – Every voter will automatically receive an application for a mail-in ballot. This is different from the Primary Election. If you want to vote from home, fill out and return the application you receive and a ballot will be sent to you.
  • You can mail your ballot immediately, or starting early in October you can drop it off at one of eight secure drop-off boxes. There will be a box at Catoctin High School, as well as the Board of Elections office at 340A Montevue Lane. Elections staff will collect ballots from the boxes each day.
  • In-person voting – Traditional in-person voting on Election Day remains an option.

Read other articles from Frederick County Government Officials