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Historical Society to host antique appraisal

(8/15) The Woodsboro Historical Society strives to promote education and celebration of Frederick county’s history, especially through its numerous lectures and public events. A particularly special event is returning September 30th, after more than 20 years, as the Woodsboro Historical Society is bringing back its Antique Appraisal Fair! The main appraiser of the event will be Robert Harrison, who has over 30 years of experience as an appraiser.

One doesn’t have to be a member of the society to attend the fair, which will be hosted at the Woodsboro American Legion, or even to bring items to be appraised. The appraisal is mainly looking for small antique items of any kind, and there is a short list of prohibited items, including guns, jewelry, and ammo, to be noted. Besides this list, "the sky is the limit. Anything unique they want to bring by, we will appreciate it," said Steele Michael, chair of the appraisal fair. He also explained that the fair is "built as a fundraiser, but really it’s a way to celebrate the community, bring people out, and return to something the society did years and years ago."

The appraisal will support the Woodsboro Historical Society’s overall mission, future events, and its train station museum, which houses a unique collection of historical items of Frederick County for the public to enjoy. Along with being a fundraiser, Steele said that "the appraisal is giving people the chance to bring in items they are interested in the value of, but also is helping people bring in local Woodsboro items so we can celebrate the history."

The goals and focus of the Woodsboro Historical Society have largely remained the same since the society was founded in the 1960’s, and is run entirely by volunteers. Steele said that it became especially "prominent in 1976 for the Bicentennial; that’s when the society published a book called Woodsboro Remembers. The Historical Society has always been a place to preserve Woodsboro’s place in Frederick County history, and our collection shows that—we’ve had lots of history-related items donated to the society over the years, and our ongoing work to preserve the Woodsboro train station has been a labor of love since the 1970’s; by next year we’ll have completed that restoration." The central collection will be rotated in and out with what is kept in the storage collection over the years, so that there is always something new to see at the museum.

If you are interested in joining the Woodsboro Historical Society, Steele recommended to start by attending a general meeting. The Society meets every third Wednesday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. "We definitely welcome anyone interested in history and wanting to support this little group," Steele said. "We welcome anyone with grant writing experience, anyone who has museum management experience, interested in display, and historians—we really welcome historians."

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