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Walkersville readies for
Fourth Annual Chriskindlmarket

(10/30) Walkersville is gearing up for the 4th annual Chriskindlmarket on December 4th. For the first time the festival will include a Christmas parade organized by the Walkersville historical society and Chriskindlmarket committee.

With several years of community support, the Town is anticipating another successful holiday event. This year, the Walkersville Library, Historical Society, and Walkersville Feed Company will be joining Glade United Church of Christ and St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church for the holiday event.

The historical churches and library provide a space for local artisans and vendors to sell their craft and acts as a venue for performers to share holiday shows and talent. Parishioners will open the doors to the decorated churches and offer homemade German inspired treats. The Walkersville Historical Society will be offering historical references and gifts relating to local history including artisan soap and curated potpourri scents. Walkersville Feed Company will supply live pine trees, evergreen garland, and wreaths for sale.

Glade UCC artists include: Jenny’s Tote-Ally Yours, an array of thirty-one quality and stylish bags and accessories for home and personal organization storage. Parishioners will offer selection of uniquely artisan-designed wreaths, just in time for holiday decorating.

The elves at St. Paul’s have been working through the year designing and crafting unique items, great for holiday gifts, including bath & body products, Christmas ornaments, and a host of stocking stuffers.

The Library’s artiest include: Truly Yours Cookies an assortment of homemade sugar and gingerbread cookies that are artistically decorated. Petros Zoe Initiative will offer colorful handcrafted clothing and jewelry made by students of a vocational school in Uganda.

The committee just heard back from St. Nick that he will have time to visit for the Christmas parade and they invite you to help welcome Santa to Walkersville. He will arrive in a horse drawn carriage with elves by his side.

The Christmas parade will be held on Saturday, December 4th with lineup beginning at 9 a.m. and the parade beginning at 10 a.m. The Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company will participate in the parade. Parties interested in getting involved in the parade lineup should fill out the parade form provided by the Walkersville Chriskindlmarket Committee by November 15th. The market will be active from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. along South Glade Road, Fulton Avenue, and West Pennsylvania Avenue. Artisan, crafters and vendors interested in being in the market must submit an application by November 21st. Both parade and vendor applications are available on the event website,

Volunteers and performers include: Volunteers & Performers: St. Nicholas - Walkersville Historical Society; Mrs. Claus - Walkersville Public Library; 19-Century Bell Ringers - Walkersville Historical Society; Elves: Katie King and friends; music for the festival will be provide by Ben, Brennan and Jake.

Bonnie Leins of the Walkersville Chriskindlmarket Committee noted, "Centuries ago, families from foreign lands, many from Germany settled in Glade Valley among the gentle rolling hills, along the winding Monocacy River, and nestled by the Catoctin Mountains. Although they departed this world long ago evidence of their existence is present today. We travel on roads they petitioned the courts to open, we worship in congregations they organized, and some reside in homes or operate businesses in structures they erected."

In 2017, five community members formed a committee with the mission to organize and manage a Christkindlmarket event in the heart of Old Town, to pay homage to Walkersville’s Germanic history. The concept was accepted into the Town’s 125th anniversary celebrations as over two-dozen local artisans and local businesses got involved. Historic churches sold cultural snacks and the local girl and boy scouts got involved in the event, with a special visit by St. Nick and Mrs. Claus. After immense support their first year, the committee decided to launch the Chriskindlmarket as an annual event.

"The Annual Walkersville Christkindlmarket has been well received by the community and beyond. A committee initiates the Walkersville Christkindlmarket, but it takes a community to share their time, talents, and gifts to bring the event to fruition which demonstrates a comprehensive community involved event," said Leins.

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