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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(2/2024) Did you hear? Based on the Carroll Valley Borough Council guidance, the Borough Manager, David Hazlett, the work of the staff, and the outstanding support of Representative Dan Moul, the Borough was awarded a $212,200 Greenways, Tails, and Recreation Program grant on January 16 by the PA Department of Community and Economic Development to construct a forested 4,750 linear-foot looping trail? The project site is between Deer Trail to the north and Fairfield Road (state route 116) to the east — Skylark Trail to the south and Veronica Trail to the west. A residential community surrounds the site, and it is an easily accessible location for residents to frequent the trail.

Groundhog Day falls on February 2 in Punxsutawney, about 170 miles from us. It is said that this legend was brought to Pennsylvania by the German settlers. These settlers determined that the groundhog resembled the European hedgehog, considered the most intelligent and sensible animal for predicting weather. The legend goes that on February 2, if the groundhog, our Pennsylvania Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, he will return to his underground home. This means there will be another six weeks of winter weather. However, our current weather groundhog forecaster, Mr. Phil, has been correct only 39% of the time. You could enjoy the day by watching the 1993 movie "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray. It is worth your time.

Presidents Day is celebrated on February 19. In preparation for Valentine's Day, the Carroll Valley Borough is holding its annual fabulous, fantastic "Father-Daughter Dance." The theme for the dance is "Dancing Hearts – A Date with Daddy". The dance will be held in the Liberty Mountain Resort Overlook Ballroom on Saturday, February 10, from 6 to 9. Pre-registration is required at or 717-642-6269. There is a $25 per person charge. Hope to see you there. I am the guy with the camera. February 13 is "Fat Tuesday," the day before Ash Wednesday and the last day of Mardi Gras. It was the custom of the German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania to use up all the fat in their house before Lent by making the fastnacht. It is a square doughnut without a hole, fried in fat. I hope you enjoy your fried cakes.

Several new laws have been implemented in 2024. A new law makes porch pirating a felony. There are now specific penalties for mail theft, including the theft of a package, bag, or letter. The new law focuses on repeat offenders and uses a grading system to increase penalties if the thief has prior mail theft convictions. Act 1 of 2023 will require insurers to cover preventive breast and ovarian cancer screenings for high-risk women at no cost. Governor Shapiro's office said the law removes out-of-pocket costs associated with genetic testing for hereditary breast, ovarian, prostate, and other cancer syndromes – as well as supplemental breast screenings for women with a high lifetime risk of breast cancer.

Legislation signed by the Governor expanded the Pennsylvania Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit. For example, for a low-income family with two children in childcare, their refundable state tax credit will go from $630 to $2,100. The expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program raises the maximum rebate for seniors from $650 to $1,000, increases the income cap for renters and homeowners to $45,000 a year, and ties the cap to increases in the cost of living. The Pennsylvania dog laws were updated. The Department of Agriculture was authorized to increase annual and lifetime dog license fees, add additional penalties and fines as delineated, and increase violation fees. Contact PA Representative Dan Moul's office at 717-334-3010 for further information regarding these new laws.

On Friday, February 16, from 11 to 5 the Carroll Valley Borough Blood Drive will be held in the Borough's council meeting room. Everyone will receive a $5 gift card to Ventura's Restaurant and Pizza. A form of ID is required to donate. I suggest you schedule an appointment to donate blood. Walk-ins are welcome; however, donors with appointments will be taken first, which may result in a significant wait time. Call 800-771-0059. As of this writing, we have experienced two snow storms and very low temperatures. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. Are you prepared? What happens if there is an ice storm or flood? You can learn about these threats and how to prepare by visiting I recommend you download the Pennsylvania Emergency Preparedness Guide.

If an emergency/disaster occurs, you must be ready to survive for at least three days. Do you have an Emergency Kit? The recommended supplies to include in that Emergency Kit are Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days for drinking and sanitation); Battery-powered radio and extra batteries; Flashlight and extra batteries; Medical (prescription medications, First Aid kit); Food (non-perishable food); Tools (manual can opener, wrench and pliers to turn off utilities); Garbage bags with ties (for personal sanitation); Whistle (to signal for help); and Plastic sheeting and duct tape (if you need to shelter in place) and cash.

If there is a power outage and you have a cell phone, do you know your electric company's emergency number to let them know the power is out or to follow the company's progress in restoring power? If you use a portable generator, do you know how to use it safely? The biggest worry is carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from the toxic engine exhaust. It would be best to never use a portable generator in a garage, carport, basement, or crawl space, even with ventilation. Opening doors and windows or using fans will not prevent CO buildup in the home. Install home CO alarms that are battery-operated or have battery backup. The Red Cross has information on how to use a portable generator when an emergency or disaster strikes. Check the American Red Cross website. For questions, call 301-606-2021.

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