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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(1/2024) Carroll Valley and our community neighbors ended 2023 on a theme of happiness and caring for others. I had the opportunity to attend five holiday events where Santa appeared to the delight of our local children. On December 5th, Santa was caught riding aboard a Fairfield Fire & EMS fire engine traveling through Fairfield Borough down route 116 to the Carroll Valley Borough parking lot and then returning to the Fairfield firehouse.

On December 9th, over 300 children had breakfast with Santa, hosted by the Fairfield Fire & EMS Company, where they had the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap and express their Christmas wishes. On December 16th, Cookies with Santa was held at the Liberty Worship Center. Once again, giving the children an opportunity to whisper in Santa’s ear what they hope to find under the tree. Finally, on Sunday, December 17th, the Fountaindale Volunteer Fire Department held its annual "Santa Ride." Santa spread Christmas cheer to residents of all ages while being chauffeured around town on a Fountaindale fire engine. Over 300 images were taken.

Watching the special moment when the child looks at Santa and expresses a personal wish for a gift because they tried to be good is an intimate moment of intimacy I attempt to capture through pictures. To see the images, go to You can copy/download the photo(s) from the site. I want to express my gratitude to all those who keep the enchanting tale of Santa Claus alive. Thank you for all your efforts in maintaining the joy and magic of the holiday season. I appreciate your dedication to bringing happiness to others.

Holiday Meal Kits were prepared for 25 local families for the holidays through generous donations made by the Carroll Valley Council, committees, and staff members. Another act of Christmas kindness was shared by Robin Dicken of Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) who said they had another successful year helping our neighbors. On Monday, December 18th, 10 NHN volunteers packed 63 bags of donated toiletry items. The volunteers who participated were Susie Gills, Doug Lichty, Brenda May, Deedee Mezger, Janet Rapuano, Susan Strahlet, Lisa Sturges, Marcy Vanmetre, and Carlos Wampler. NHN wishes to thank everyone involved. These bags were delivered to our two local nursing homes, Meals on Wheels, and our local high and middle school students for Christmas.

Two items regarding January 2024 that you should be aware of are that we, Carroll Valley, are in our 50th anniversary year of the Borough’s existence and are one month away from our annual fabulous, fantastic "Father-Daughter Dance." The theme for the dance is "Dancing Hearts – A Date with Daddy". The dance will be held in the Liberty Mountain Resort Overlook Ballroom on Saturday, February 10th, from 6 to 9 p.m.. Pre-registration is required at or 717-642-6269. There is a $25 per person charge. Regarding the anniversary, you will read more throughout the year on Carroll Valley's plans to celebrate our 50th anniversary as a community. If you are interested in participating in the planning process, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

Ok, it is January, and you know what I am about to share – my resolutions. Well, not all of them. Some are personal. However, here is one. I am going to try to do my best to help others. To let those around me know how important they are in the lives of others. And to be sure to thank those who assist others. Remember, "Give out what you most want to come back." With January comes snow. It would be best if you made sure that you winterized your car. If you haven't, you need to get it done. Check the car's tires, tire pressure, heat/defroster, and wipers. Please slow down. Those antilock brakes will not help you reach a smooth stop if you drive too fast.

Remember to leave more space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you when driving behind another car. Some experts tell us this distance is four car lengths for every ten mph you travel. If the Borough declares a snow emergency, it is unlawful to park a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain parked on any Borough road or in any Borough right-of-way in such a manner as to impede or obstruct the snow and ice removal efforts of the Borough or to create a hazardous condition.

Also, driving any motor vehicle on the Borough's snow emergency route is unlawful unless that vehicle is equipped with snow tires or chains. If you are trying to figure out if your residence is on the emergency route, launch the Carroll Valley website at Type snow emergency in the search text box and click on Road Classification Map for Snow Plowing. Whether you are on the emergency route or not, please help our maintenance crew clear our trails after a snowstorm by parking your vehicle so as not to impede the snow-clearing process.

Borough meetings in January are the Reorganization Borough Council Meeting (January 2nd), Planning Commission (January 8th), Borough Council (January 9th), Sewer/Water Authority (January 22nd), and Parks/Recreation Committee (January 24th). Please reduce your speed to ensure your loved ones, friends, and neighbors are safe. Don't Drink and Drive. If you have any questions, call me at 301-606-2021 or

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