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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(6/2023) At the May 2 monthly Board of Supervisors meeting, Jim Holler stepped down as a full-time member of the Zoning Hearing Board but agreed to remain as an alternate member. The Board of Supervisors appointed Robert Mallette to the open full-time position. We appreciate him accepting the appointment. Mr. Mallette experienced a Zoning Hearing in 2022 when he had his own application for a variance before the Board, so he is very familiar with the processes involved with this position. The Zoning Hearing Board has been very active over the past year and had a hearing on May 24th for an application requesting the grant of the necessary variances to then enable the Applicant to proceed with a proposed subdivision. The ruling from that hearing should be available soon.

We had a very successful joint ECycle event on May 13th. Carroll Valley Councilmember Richard Matthews spent the rainy Saturday morning with me as we filled two 20-yard dumpsters with items from residents. I want to thank our municipal neighbors for always stepping up to work together as a community. Another electronics recycling event is scheduled for October 14th. Our Pick-Up PA Event officially ended on May 31st, but we will continue to distribute free trash bags, work gloves, and safety vests until the supplies run out. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the event to help Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.

Mowing season has begun and the road crew has already made three passes of cutting. Be mindful when mowing your property that you are not blowing grass onto the road. Grass on the roadways is a hazard to motorists, especially motorcyclists. We have started the process of cutting roads for pipe replacements and base repairs. This work is being performed on Wenschhof Road, Sanders Road, Boyle Road, and Pecher Road. Recently, we were able to purchase a used berm box from another municipality at a very good price. We look forward to adding the berm box to our road department to better serve the community. The road department has a busy schedule for this summer, so please be on the lookout for road crews at work when traveling through the township.

Please join us at our municipal building on June 20th at 7:30 p.m. for a presentation regarding the National Register of Historic Places in our community. The Adams County Office of Planning and Development will have a public discussion at the Planning Commission meeting on the importance of historic buildings within Adams County.

Adams County and Municipal Real Estate Tax Deadlines are approaching and school tax bills are being sent out. Payments will be accepted at face value until June 30. Payments made after June 30 will have a 10% penalty added. If you did not receive your tax bill, please contact the tax collector for a copy.

We sometimes become frustrated with existing laws and ordinances, but at the township level we do not have much say in changing some of these laws. One of the more frustrating regulations is The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program. This program is administered in conjunction with the PA Department of Environmental Protection Chapter 102, Pennsylvania’s Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program and Act of October 4, 1978, P.L. 864 (Act 167), 32 P.S. § 680.1 et seq., as amended, the "Storm Water Management Act." We do what we can to serve the community with the best interests of everyone in mind while following the mandates set upon us at the Federal, State, and County level.

Thank you to the poll workers for their time and diligence and to all of the voters who came out across the county to vote in the municipal primary election on May 16th. And to my supporters, I appreciate your confidence and trust in me to allow me to move onto the general election in November.

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