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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(2/2023) Happy February! A cold snap occurred at the end of December into early January causing pipes to freeze and power outages to occur throughout the township. There were thirteen trees down on just one of the roads within the Township and trees down on power lines that took more than 12 hours to get cleaned up. We hope that everyone was able to remain safe during that time. Because of this particularly harsh weather incident, I talked with FREMA about setting up an additional emergency station locally that would be able to provide heat, food, water, and shelter to those in need during natural disasters. Right now the Fairfield Fire Department usually acts as an emergency shelter. When more accommodations become available, we will let everyone know.

We are looking forward to working with Freedom Township through an intermunicipal agreement to maintain the roads in both of our communities. Some Liberty Township roads have deteriorated edges and some shoulders have washed away. We are working to repair these problem areas soon. Potholes are most common during this time of year, so we have a truck loaded with asphalt ready to patch them. Be mindful that these cold patches are only a temporary fix.

Liberty Township is participating in the Pick Up Pennsylvania event which runs from March 1 – May 31. Last year over 60,000 people participated in Pick Up Pennsylvania from March through May picking up over 2.2 million pounds of trash. This program is crucial because litter negatively impacts the environment, waterways, property taxes, home values, businesses and the safety of neighborhoods. Cleaning up litter and making small improvements to our shared community spaces helps create safer, healthier and more livable neighborhoods. Anyone interested in participating in Liberty Township should call the township office and arrange pickup of free work gloves, safety vests, and trash bags to help collect litter from along township roadways. Collected trash can be disposed of at the Liberty Township municipal office dumpster.

Through the efforts of Sergeant Roosen, Liberty Township was recently awarded a grant from the Bryan Justice Assistance Grant Program with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to fund the purchase of a 2023 Ford Police Interceptor. The vehicle was recently delivered, and we expect it to be upfitted soon and put into service next month. Blue Ridge Sportsmen’s Association recently donated $5,000 to help offset the cost of replacing the computers, scanners, and printers in our police vehicles. We are grateful for the generous contributions that are being made to our police department to improve services within the township and the surrounding communities.

With the 2019 DOTGOV Act, Liberty Township was issued a new government website address. The web page is still hosted by Adams County, but now can be reached directly at Please access our website to find information on meetings, permits, and to search our online ordinances.

Please be advised that unpaid Fairfield School Taxes are now in 10% penalty phase. Second Notice for 2022 School Taxes were sent out by mail in January. These school tax payments will be accepted until March 31, by US mail or in the drop box at the township municipal building. Any payment after that date must be made to the designated Fairfield School District tax collection agency. The 2023 Real Estate County and Municipal Tax bills and Per Capita Tax Bills will be mailed out by Adams County during the first week of March. Discount payments of 2% will be accepted until April 30. The Liberty Township Tax Collector will hold office hours on April, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, and 27 from 12-3 p.m. at the Municipal Building located at 39 Topper Road in Fairfield. Tax payments can also be submitted by US mail or placed in the township drop box.

I would like to announce that I am running for re-election as Township Supervisor this year. Thank you all for your support and faith in me as a township Supervisor and as a person. If I am re-elected, I will continue to serve the township with the best interests of all in mind.

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