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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(10/2023) I hope everyone had a good start to Fall. School is now back in session, so please be mindful of school buses in the early morning hours. Stay alert and be sure to stop for school buses when their flashing red lights are on. Until we "fall back" for daylight savings time on November 5, it can still be difficult to see that early in the morning. The Board of Supervisors voted at our last meeting to assist Freedom Township as needed during the 2023-2024 winter season. We look forward to continuing to build upon intermunicipal relationships throughout Fairfield and surrounding areas. We are proud and fortunate to live in a community that promotes sharing resources and helping neighbors.

The Road Department finished the scheduled road projects for 2023 and line painting was added on a few township roads. In October, the Township will use a boom mower to clear out overgrown vegetation and cut back overhanging branches to mitigate road hazards throughout the township. Damaged signs were replaced throughout the Township and chevron signs were added to assist traffic on a sharp turn on Orchard Road. This was a measure used to address a concern brought to our attention at a township meeting earlier in the year.

The Orchard Road resident reported that their mailbox was frequently being damaged as vehicles were navigating the turn. LTAP Traffic Engineer Patrick Wright recently came out to perform road studies for several areas in the Township. His evaluation determined that a four-way stop sign is not needed at the intersection of Pecher Road, Crum Road, Topper Road, and Steelman Marker Road. The sight distance in both directions exceeds the minimum required PennDOT standards. The Township implemented the recommendation of placing stop line markings to give drivers the ability to pull forward to the line after stopping at the stop sign to get a proper view.

A study at the intersection of Tract Road and Orchard Road identified a sight distance problem caused by a bush growing around a telephone pole. A study at the intersection of Stultz Road and Boyle Road also identified vegetation causing a sight and safety issue. PA state law Title 75, Section 6112 requires property owners to remove sight distance obstructions that are a traffic hazard. Within days of the study, Liberty Township contacted the property owners, and the issues were corrected.

I would like to thank both property owners for responding quickly and working with the township to remove the hazard and improve the safety of our community. We monitor the needs of the township with daily road checks, and input from the residents. Please join us at the Board of Supervisors Meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.. We welcome public comments and use all available resources to address concerns to the best of our ability.

Local events happening this month include the National Apple Harvest Festival and Halloween on the Hill. The National Apple Harvest Festival will be taking place on October 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th at 615 Narrows Road in Biglerville, PA. Halloween on the Hill will be taking place at Strawberry Hill on October 28th from 6PM-8PM. This event will include hikes, crafts, and much more! The cost is $5 per person or $20 for a family of 5 or more and you can register at

Please remember to get out and vote for those running for office within Liberty Township and across the county at the upcoming Municipal Election on November 7. Polls are open on election day from 7 in the morning to 8 in the evenin. The last day to register to vote is October 23, and the last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot is October 31.

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