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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(1/2023) At the December 2022 Borough Council meeting, the Council passed the Tax Levy Ordinance, which fixed the Tax Rate at 2.45 mills or 24.5 cents on each one hundred dollars assessed valuation for 2012. There is no tax increase for the residents of Carroll Valley Borough. Also, without increase, the Council passed the fixed tax of .25 mills appropriated for fire and emergency services operation for 2023. Please note that this is the 11th year that the taxes have not been raised due to outstanding management of our government resources by the Borough staff and the oversight of the Council.

Our community ended 2022 on a theme of happiness and caring for others. I had the opportunity to attend two-holiday events where Santa made an appearance, to the delight of the children in attendance. Breakfast with Santa was held at Fairfield Fire & EMS Department in Fairfield. There were 159 children and 190 adults in attendance. Santa also appeared at the Liberty Worship Center in Hamiltonban Township. Over 300 images were taken. I have tried to capture that moment of intimacy between Santa and the child asking for a gift on Christmas night. Go to and open the appropriate picture album to see the photos taken. You can copy/download the image(s) from the site.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors filled 65 bags and distributed them to local nursing homes and Meals on Wheels. The bags contained such donated items as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, lotion, deodorant, snacks, and activity books. The Fairfield Family Initiative (FFI), supported by Carroll Valley Borough Council, Committee members, residents, Fairfield Fire & EMS, Bikers on a Mission, and the Fairfield Community, provided 11 Holiday Meal Kits of a turkey and all the trimmings for a traditional holiday feast including dessert. The FFI also provided Christmas gifts to six local children. We hope all who helped have a blessed Holiday Season and a New Year filled with happiness and good health.

January and you all know what I am about to share – my resolutions. Well, not all of them. Some are personal. However, here is one which I make each year. I am going to try to do my best to help others. To let those around me know how important they are in the lives of others. And to be sure to thank those who assist others. Remember, "Give out what you most want to come back." With January comes snow. It would be best if you made sure that you winterized your car. If you haven’t, you need to get it done. Check the car’s tires and tire pressure, the heat/defroster, and wipers. Please slow down. Those antilock brakes will not help you reach a smooth stop if you drive too fast. When driving behind another car, remember to leave more space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. Some experts tell us that this distance is four car lengths for every ten mph you travel.

If the Borough declares a snow emergency, it is unlawful to park a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain parked on any Borough road or in any Borough right-of-way in such a manner as to impede or obstruct the snow and ice removal efforts of the Borough or to create a hazardous condition. Also, it is unlawful to drive any motor vehicle on the Borough’s snow emergency route unless that vehicle is equipped with snow tires or chains. If you are trying to figure out if your residence is on the emergency route, launch the Carroll Valley website at Type snow emergency in the search text box and click on Road Classification Map for Snow Plowing or Snow Removal. Whether you are on the emergency route or not, please help our maintenance crew clear our trails after a snowstorm by parking your vehicle so as not to impede the snow-clearing process.

Carroll Valley Police Department is happy to announce that the Borough hired a new police officer, Seth A. Reed, at the December Council meeting. Officer Reed is originally from the Biglerville area. After serving in the United States Army, he attended and graduated from the Harrisburg Area Community College Police Academy. He was hired by Hellman Township in York County and served as a full-time police officer for six years. Officer Reed has moved back to our area, and Chief Cliff Weikert is excited to have him as part of the Carroll Valley Police Department team.

The Borough now has three full-time police officers counting Chief Cliff Weikert. On Wednesday, January 4th, is the Blood Drive from 1 to 6 p.m. Everyone will receive two admission vouchers to the Pennsylvania Auto Show and a Blood Donor T-shirt. Remember, Thursday, January 12th is the last day you have to complete the online Adams County Broadband Survey. It should only take 10 minutes of your time. You can access the survey from the Carroll Valley website ( Again, this is your opportunity to help Adams County compete with the other 66 Pennsylvania counties to be awarded funds to help us improve our broadband speed.

Borough meetings in January are Planning Commission (Jan 3rd), Borough Council Meeting (Jan 10th), Public Sewer Advisory Committee (Jan 23rd), and Parks/Recreation Committee (Jan 25th). Please reduce your speed to ensure your loved ones, friends, and neighbors will be safe. Don’t Drink and Drive. If you have any questions, call me at 301-606-2021 or email me at

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