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Hamiltonban Township to
increase property taxes

(11/23) Hamiltonban Township’s preliminary budget is expecting a quarter million increase in real estate tax. The supervisors noted this is the first increase of its kind in five years. The preliminary budget will be presented at the Hamiltonban Board of Supervisors next meeting Dec. 5 at 7 p.m.

In other business, representative of Destination Gettysburg, Karl Pietrzak, presented information to the Hamiltonban Supervisors about updates on the local Civil War Trail signage. Pietrzak last presented to the board in March seeking funding for additional trail signage along Carroll Tracts Road.

Pietrzak said funding has now been acquired for the latest sign as part of the Civil War Trail. "Now all that’s left is placing it in Fairfield," he said.

The complete cost of the sign, including design, production and installation will be covered by Adams County for a total of $2,600, he said.

The prospective sign would be located at the Woerner Fruit Farm, which is ideal due to its vicinity of the Battle of Fairfield along Carroll Tracts Road.

The supervisors noted this sign location might fall under PennDOT jurisdiction, as it is accessed by a state highway and suggested ensuring there is the necessary 50 foot right of way.

At its November 21 meeting, the Hamiltonban Township Board of Supervisors also discussed potential plantings of donation trees in the Hamiltonban Community Park.

Adams County Conservation District is looking to plant donated seedlings all across the county and has its eyes on Hamiltonban Community Park, according to Supervisor Coleen Reamer.

Adams County also noted there is a company that will plant and maintain the trees for the township. "Which takes all the labor off of us," Reamer said.

Potential locations for the seedlings include sections by the park’s playground area, the trail bend, as well as inside the infiltration pond as these trees and bushes are noted to survive in water, Reamer said. The seedlings will also be spaced in rows and spread out ten feet to allow ease of mowing, she said.

Efforts are expected to continue with the Hamiltonban Township and Fairfield Borough Joint Parks and Recreation Commission. Township Engineer, Erik Vranich, will collect more information about the quantity of plants and what company will be performing the planting. 

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