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Failure of wastewater pump
 leads to sewage spill

(12/21) On Nov. 21 and 22 as Emmitsburg was in the process of welcoming almost six inches of much needed rain, the 50-year-old wastewater transfer pump located along Creamery Road which is used to pump all the Town’s wastewater uphill to the wastewater treatment plant, decided it was the perfect time to shear its shaft.

At the time of the failure, the pump was in overdrive due to the heavy rain and its leakage into the town sewer lines. With the pump out of action, the pit in which it is located quickly filled with sewage and subsequently overflowed into the surface of the surrounding ground and into Middle Creek, and eventually Toms Creek.

Town staff was alerted to the problem when the flows to the wastewater treatment plant dropped significantly, according to Town Manager Cathy Willets. Staff responded quickly and shut off the flow of sewage into the pit that held the pump and contacted Synagro, a contractor with expertise and equipment, to pump out the sewage in the flooded pump pit, haul the sewage away, and installed a temporary pump until temporary repairs can be made to the pump.

Only a temporary repair is necessary, as the failed pump and its current pumping station are in the process of being replaced with a new, modern pumping station. The Town began applying for grants to construct a new pump station in 2018 to replace the 50-year-old pump.

The construction of the new pumping station will take over a year to complete, and is set to begin operation in 2025.

The Maryland Department of the Environment and the Frederick County Health Department were immediately notified of the failure and the land was posted as contaminated and residents were warned not to wade into Middle or Toms Creek.

The clean up of the sewage has cost the Town $35,000 to date. The majority of that cost was related to the emergency pumping of the sewage and its disposal.

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