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Davis lays out ambitious Mayoral agenda

(7/24) Frank Davis reluctantly chose not to run for Mayor three years ago, because, at the time, he was still trying to get a feel for the town government. But after four years of being on the inside of town affairs, he’s ready to take over the helm of the Town and move it in a completely different direction.

"Things have been status quo for too long and its time to start thinking outside the box and do things differently.

"I feel that planning for the future should be a priority," said Davis, "I want to prioritize what is needed in Emmitsburg, ahead of items of lesser importance. I understand that the appearance of the Town is important; however there are issues that are more imperative that need to be addressed.

"We need to get the Town Council involved in town projects early on. Right now we only hear about them when we are asked to vote on them. This will end if I get elected. Commissioners need to be involved in setting priorities and goals and be held accountable to seeing them through."

Davis said that if elected Mayor in September, he will revisit the recent water rate increase. "Now that we know we can transfer money between the general fund and the water fund, why not do it? The Town has been running a $300,000/year surplus. Why not transfer some or all of that to the water fund and eliminate, or at least reduce, the proposed series of 36% rate increases?

Davis also wants to explore joining the Maryland Main Street Program. "Both Thurmont and Taneytown are part of it, and their programs put on monthly concerts and community events. These programs are a great asset to not only the residents of those towns, but the businesses as well. Why we haven’t applied to join is beyond me. We need to think ‘outside the box’ to attract new businesses and jobs to Emmitsburg.

"We need to review fees that are being assessed on us, and find ways to lessen the burden. For example, the Town spends a massive amount of money administering the Maryland Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System program. Why not ask the County to administer it for us? We’ll still pay our fees, but we can shed the administrative cost of managing the program, and in doing so, save the taxpayers of Emmitsburg some money.

"I think it’s high time we reach out to all the surrounding towns and see what resources we can share. Does it really make any sense for every town around to have a $500,000 sewer suction truck? Can we join together to share support contractors such as street sweeping services? And by doing so, get a reduced rate?

"But first and foremost I want to build a better working relationship between the town office and the citizens to solve problems. ‘No’ should not always be the answer. We need to have a ‘reset’ in how we treat residents. There are a lot of citizens with exceptional expertise that we can, and should tap into to help solve the problems we are struggling with. My door is going to be open to anyone with a good idea.

"It’s time to make the people think that Emmitsburg is their town again. I will work every day to achieve that goal," said Davis.

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