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Mount St. Mary’s bids farewell to
Class of 2023

Claire Doll
MSMU Class of 2024

(5/21) On Saturday, May 13th, Mount St. Mary’s Class of 2023 graduated from the University and said goodbye to their fellow peers, while preparing for the next phases of their lives. Among these graduates is our beloved Managing Editor, McKenna Snow, who has not only achieved her college degree, but has done so in three years! The News-Journal is endlessly proud of McKenna and her accomplishments at the Mount. Before she leaves, however, she deserves a world of recognition for her impressive contributions.

McKenna arrived at the Mount in 2020, amidst the global pandemic raging around the world. Although she started college taking hybrid in-person and virtual classes, McKenna thrived at the Mount and found so many opportunities to be involved. As a theology major and philosophy minor, McKenna took rigorous courses in the Honors program and found a passion in the liberal arts.

One of the most impactful experiences of McKenna’s time has been working as a Resident Assistant for two years. "This year I was an RA in a freshman dorm," she says, reflecting on her senior year, "and I really felt like I was able to connect with the girls…I’m going to miss them so much." McKenna has always radiated with kindness, but as an RA, she grew especially in her generosity towards others. "It taught me the importance of service," she says, reflecting on the significance of community-living and being there for the person in front of her, no matter what she had on her to-do list.

Along with being an RA, McKenna was also part of the Praise and Worship group at the Mount, leading music with the seminarians during adoration. Every Wednesday, she would gather with friends and join the seminarians in worship during a Holy Hour. McKenna found solace and peacefulness in the many beautiful spiritual opportunities at the Mount, including attending Mass almost every day at the Grotto and growing in her faith with friends.

After college, McKenna plans to return home and hopes to use her knowledge in theology to give back to others through her writing and service. McKenna has already published a piece in "Front Porch Republic," an American blog that emphasizes the importance of community, place, and conservation, as well as the Mount’s own philosophy and theology journal, Tolle Lege. Her accomplishments will serve as an asset to her future goals and distinguish her as the talented, driven individual she is.

Over the summer, McKenna is looking forward to celebrating her engagement with a fellow Mount alumnus, as well as planning her future alongside him. As she reflects on her time at Mount St. Mary’s, McKenna looks back at how much she’s learned and how joyful it was. "It’s as fun and enjoyable as you make it," she says.

The News-Journal is also saying goodbye to our freshman writer, Sarah Miller, as she transfers to Eastern Mennonite University where she will major in leadership and organizational management with an aviation concentration. "It’s a dream that I have been wanting to pursue forever, and I’m excited to start," she says.

On behalf of the News-Journal, thanks to our parting writers—we wish you and all the Mount graduates the best of luck as you enter the future ahead of you.

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