Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland






December 2, 2014

Emmitsburg Town Office



Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Joseph Ritz III, Jennifer Mellor, Glenn Blanchard and Tim O’Donnell, President.

Staff present were Vickie Felix, Sue Cipperly, Town Planner and Dave Haller, Town Manager.

Absent:  Commissioner Sweeney arrived 8:09 p.m.


I.             Call to Order

Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the December 2, 2014 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the November 17, 2014 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners’ cited attendances to include the turkey trot, over 230 people attended; the tree lighting ceremony; meeting with Frederick City Committee re: recreational use of their water shed. Recognized town staff and contractors for plowing job well done in all developments. Congratulations to newly elected County Charter Board.


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Brigg’s cited that the town closed the loan on the wastewater treatment plant. Staff and Mayor met with Chief Ron Slarnicki re: Fallen Fire Fighters; met with the new NETC manger re: sidewalk and extension of water; Singed memorandum of understating in regards to the pathway with Mount Saint Mary’s; Met with potential developer who is interested in doing some things in town. Thanked Mother Seton 4th graders for decorating the tree on the square. He thanked staff for preparing the Christmas wreaths that were put up downtown. He attended the tree lighting ceremony. He read to the kindergarten classes at the Emmitsburg Elementary School.


Administrative Business

·         Problems with channel 99 rotation of messages – staff stated new hardware will be put in place

·         Memorandum of Understanding with county  - path from Mt. Saint Mary’s – 80% Federal Funding

·         Turkey trot issue with restroom use – pressure issue- order 2 jiffy johns for next year’s event

·         Silo Hill Playground – installation complete; all done through grant work

·         December 15, 2014 town meeting no agenda items – cancel enjoy holidays

·         Update on Parks Committee Meeting

·         ADA compliance in parks

·         Vehicles at Hobb’s house


Consent Agenda - none




Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Blanchard reported on November 2014 cash activity. Detailed report at Exhibit A.


Planning Commission Report – Sue Cipperly, Town Planner reported that the Planning Commission met on November 24, 2014 and discussed the Cluster Ordinance that had been referred to them by the Board of Commissioners.


II.        Agenda Items


Consideration of limitations on water and sewer tap fee funds

Mr. Haller stated this is a clarification of the practice that staff has used for the past 12 years.  There was a time about 14 years ago where monies were transferred from department to department sometimes not really appropriately to pay the bills. Staff has worked very hard to make sure water, sewer and tax rates are proper that, that doesn’t happen.  He is reviewing different items before he retires and in the proposed ordinances he added paragraph D which indicates that funds collected would be restricted/reserved to maintain water and sewer system. There was a brief discussion on the different size meters and how that affects the water usage. Approximately every three to five years the tap fees should be reviewed, the fees at this time are pretty solid. There are two ordinances, one for water and one for sewer that were presented for consideration.


Motion: To approve Ordinance 14-16 an ordinance to amend Title 13 of The Code of Emmitsburg entitled public services as presented.

Motion made by Commissioner Blanchard and second by Commissioner Mellor.

                                       Vote: 4-0 in favor


At this time Commissioner Sweeney arrived at the meeting.


Motion:  To approve ordinance 14-17 an ordinance to amend Title 13 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled public services as presented.

          Motion made by Commissioner Ritz and second by Commissioner Mellor.

                                                Vote: 5-0 in favor


Consideration of modifications to citizen’s advisory committee related to scheduling

Mr. Haller stated these changes were recommend by Commissioner Ritz and reviewed by staff and approved. He is asking for Boards consent.  The modifications included that the Mayor and/or the Chairman can recommend people to this committee with the consent of the Board of Commissioners; meetings would be on the third Tuesday of January, April, July and October and an allowance to call for special meetings. There was discussion on paragraph F. Strike wording by mail or telephone.


Motion: - To approve ordinance 14-18 an ordinance to amend Title 2 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled administration and personnel as modified.

Motion made by Commissioner Mellor and second by Commissioner Sweeney.     

                                      Vote: 5-0 in favor


Ordinance 14-09 vehicles and traffic related to maintenance

Sue Cipperly stated this was at the last meeting and after some input from the Commissioners she made some changes. The major change was the addition of paragraphs D, E and F re: how it would be enforced and how many days notice people would get.                                                                                                                                                 


Motion: - To  approve ordinance 14-09 an ordinance to amend Title 10 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled vehicles and traffic as presented

          Motion made by Commissioner Sweeney and second by Commissioner Mellor.    

                                      Vote: 5-0 in favor.


Ordinance 14-10 health and safety related to property appearance

Ms. Cipperly reported that this was presented to the Board last month. Commissioner Ritz made a suggestion to combine two paragraphs into one. Paragraph A now contains new wording. In paragraph C the word this was added. At the meeting Ms. Cipperly noticed that she needs to modify the alphabetic letters on paragraphs since changes were made.


Motion: - To approve ordinance 14-10 an ordinance to amend Title 8 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled health and safety as modified.

          Motion made by Commissioner Blanchard second by Commissioner Mellor.

                                      Vote: 5-0 in favor.


The Board considered the Mayor’s request to cancel the December 15, 2015 town meeting since there were no agenda items. Unanimous consent.


Set Agenda Items for January 5, 2015 Town Meeting

1.    Fire Fighters Heritage Museum Water Service

2.    Transportation access in town - discussion


III.      Public Comments - none  





V.        Adjournment

          With no further business, the December 15, 2014 Town Meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m.