Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Minutes Town Meeting
Emmitsburg Town Office
October 2, 2006

Present:  Mayor James Hoover; Commissioners Joyce Rosensteel; Glenn Blanchard, William O’Neil and Clifford Sweeney. Also present were Vickie Felix, and Dave Haller, Town Manager.
Absent: Chris Staiger with prior notice

Call to Order Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, was absent due to back surgery.  Commissioner O’Neil was nominated president for the October 2, 2006 Town Meeting.  Nomination was made by Commissioner Blanchard and second by Commissioner Rosensteel.  Unanimous consent.

Commissioner O’Neil called the October 2, 2006 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the September 18, 2006 Town Meeting were before the Council for approval.

Motion:  to approve the September 18, 2006 Town Meeting Minutes as submitted. Motion made by Commissioner Blanchard second by Commissioner Rosensteel.
4-0 in favor

Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Blanchard recognized the parks and recreation committee for the concerts in the park also recognized the poll workers for an excellent job.  Was proud to see one of his former students working as an election judge.  Commissioner Staiger is recovering from surgery and should be in attendance for the October 16 Town Meeting. Commissioner Blanchard announced that he will be absent for the October 16 meeting due to parent teacher conferences.  Those following the election might want to attend the Board of County Commissioner’s forum at Frederick Co.  Community college this Thursday.  Commissioner Rosensteel attended the comedy show this past Friday.  It was very nice but not a very big crowd.  Commissioner Sweeney also thanked the parks committee for all the work they have done.  He was approached by the Gingell family, they would like to place a memorial in the park for Mrs. Ann Gingell for Memorial day of next year.

Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Hoover also commented on the comedy show and thanked the fire hall for the use of their facility.  Was a really great comedy show for the family.  This weekend is the Fallen Fire Fighters memorial weekend.  The red helmet ride that goes through town will be on Saturday afternoon.  The candlelight visual will be Saturday around 6:30pm.  The memorial service will be 10:00 am on Sunday.  He also followed up from the last meeting that he did work with Mount Saint Mary’s and established an opportunity for a radio show that he will host.  It will start October 22, 2006, each Sunday night in conjunction with Mt. St. Mary’s students schedule.


Mr. Haller announced that at the Mayor’s direction staff has been able to secure a grant in the amount of $55,000.00 through the County.  It is homeland security money to purchase and install an emergency generator for the community center building that will operate the whole entire 3rd floor.  The county will have their final vote on that on October 5, 2006.  Commissioner Rosensteel would like to see a directional sign put out front of the Community Center Bldg for the Town Office.  Mayor Hoover interjected that Pat Feeser was already looking into that.  Commissioner Blanchard questioned staff about a structure along the alley of Main Street Grill that looks like it has been hit by something large.  Staff will check into it.


Treasurer’s Report - Commissioner Joyce Rosensteel presented the September 2006 report. See attached report, Exhibit A.

Committee reports - Commissioner Blanchard reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission met on September 25, 2006 not a very long meeting, basically concerned with the comprehensive plan. Representing the Streets & Transportation Committee, Commissioner O’Neil reported due to lack of quorum the meeting could not be held.

Agenda Items

Presentation by Dr. Powell, President of Mt. Saint Mary’s

Agenda item postponed until November 2006.

Discussion on Code Section 16.020 Improvements

This item relates to recommended changes to Chapter 16.20 of the Emmitsburg Code to include sections 16.020, 16.20.030, 16.20.040 and 16.20.050.  Mr. Haller stated the material presented is the same material that was presented about three meetings ago and is being resubmitted identically except for page 4 of 7, letter N.  The original submission did not allow construction on Sunday.  Now construction on Sunday is allowed from nine a.m. to seven p.m. Also instead of approval of the town council it will now say approval of the town Manager.

Motion:  to approve ordinance 06-09, ordinance to amend title 16 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled subdivision. 
Motion made by Commissioner Blanchard second by Commissioner Rosensteel.

4-0 in favor.

Appointments - Alternate to Planning Commission

Commissioner Blanchard would like to appoint Mr. Tim O’Donnell as an alternate to the planning commission.  Mayor Hoover also believes that Tim O’Donnell would be a good candidate but the Mayor is concerned that there is not enough diversity on that commission.  Would like to see diversity in residency where they live, or gender or things of that nature.  Would like to hold off and see if there are some other qualified candidates.

Motion: to approve Tim O’Donnel as an alternate to the planning commission. 
Motion made by Commissioner Blanchard.  Commissioner O’Neil abstained, did not know if it would be a conflict with the HOA.  Commissioner Rosensteel agrees that there needs to be more diversity. No second on the motion.
Motion failed.

Set Agenda Items for October 16, 2006 Town Meeting

  • Recommendations for Streets Committee appointments. 4-0
  • Set agenda items for November 6, 2006 Town Meeting.

Public Comments - None

Adjournment With no further Business and upon unanimous vote, the October 2, 2006 Town Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Date Approved: October 16, 2006