Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Approved 3.31.14


Emmitsburg Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2014

In Attendance: Joyce Rosensteel, John Howard, Keith Suerdieck, Cliff Sweeney.
Staff: Sue Cipperly

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Vice Chair Joyce Rosensteel.

Pledge of Allegiance

Disposition of Minutes:  October 29, 2013

Motion to approve the Minutes of October 29, 2013:

Motion: Keith Suerdieck / Second: John Howard

Motion was passed unanimously by those present.

There was no opening statement by the Vice Chairperson.

Old Business:  None

New Business: New Business consisted of the Reorganization of the Planning Commission      Nominations were opened with the following result:

Chairperson: Pat Boyle     Motion: Joyce Rosensteel / Second Cliff Sweeney 

Motion was passed unanimously by those present.

Vice Chairperson: Joyce Rosensteel     Motion: Cliff Sweeney / Second: John Howard

Motion was passed unanimously by those present.   

Secretary: John Howard   Motion: Joyce Rosensteel / Second: Cliff Sweeney

Motion was passed unanimously by those present.


AGENDA ITEMS FOR FEB. 24, 2014: None reported.  There will be no meeting in February. Potential agenda items for March meeting will deal with the Dollar General Store.

Staff reported that a Public Information Meeting will be held on February 12 on the updated plan for the Town Square. This meeting will present information on recent meetings with the State of Maryland and consultants. The meeting will be held at the Town Hall at 7:30 PM.

The Next Scheduled Meeting would be March 31 2014

Meeting was adjourned at: 7:45 PM

John Howard