Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Planning Commission Minutes
Emmitsburg Town Office
September 27, 200

Agenda Items

Emmitsburg Osteopathic Care Clinic Site Plan - Recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners.


First, Mr. Lucas provided his staff recommendation - see attached.


Next, Dr. Bonnie Portier updated the Commission on her project's progress and her concerns.


She stated that she is currently working on finalizing the easement requirement and will soon have the final product to Mr. John Hollinger for approval. With regard to the parking requirement, she stated that the municipal lot has been paved and that she expects to have 14 spaces at the municipal lot and 6 spaces on the property.  Dr. Portier then introduced Joe Ceci of Fox Associates who had prepared the site plan.


Mr. Kapriva requested the applicant address the parking requirement - asking about the change from nine to fourteen spaces. Dr. Portier noted that the site plan would require access to the six spaces on sight plus all fourteen at the municipal lot. Mr. Lucas clarified that there have always been fourteen spaces on the municipal lot but that only nine had been approved for use by Dr. Portier's Clinic by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. Mr. Lucas stated that staff was recommending conditional approval of the Site Plan based on the Mayor and Board of Commissioners authorization of a change in use from nine to fourteen spaces.


Mr. Briggs asked Dr. Portier to confirm her address and the length of time she had lived in town, Dr. Portier replied that she lived at 114 East Main Street and had lived in Emmitsburg for 25 years.


Chairman Staiger asked Mr. Lucas if he was comfortable with the change in use from nine to fourteen spaces. Mr. Lucas responded yes, but that this was not something staff or the Planning and Zoning Commission could grant. That approval would have to come from the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. He stated that conditional approval of the site plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission will allow the project to move forward.


Chairman Staiger asked Dr. Portier if she was comfortable with this process. Dr. Portier affirmed that she was.


Public Comment:


Mr. Harold Craig, 103 W Main Street, requested approval subject to the two conditions Mr. Lucas mentioned.


Dr. Portier, 114 E Main Street, requested that any delay in the recording process of the easement with the county not be allowed to hold up the process. Mr. Lucas responded that staff had originally requested a recorded easement but felt comfortable with a duly executed easement which was notarized and signed by both parties.


Chairman Staiger asked Mr. John Hollinger if he was amenable to establishing the requested easement. Mr. Hollinger confirmed this was acceptable pending review by his attorney.


Chairman Staiger requested a motion.


Motion by Mr. Briggs and seconded by Mr. Lind: The Planning and Zoning Commission grants conditional approval to the proposed site plan subject to providing the Town with an executed easement for the sidewalk construction and securing additional off site parking from the Mayor and Board of Commissioners.


Vote: Approved 4-0


1998 Comprehensive Plan Update - Develop Community Organization Contact List


Chairman Staiger advised the Commission that development of a Community Organization Contact list was underway and that meetings may soon be scheduled with some of those groups.


There being no more business to discuss, Chairman Staiger requested a motion to adjourn.


Motion to adjourn by Mr. Lind and seconded by Mr. Briggs.


Vote: Approved 4-0