Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

May 2005

As I begin my second term as your Mayor, I would very much like to thank all the citizens of Emmitsburg for the support and confidence you've given me during the past three years. I look forward to continuing to serve you and making every effort to address those issues, raised by you, the voters, during this spring's election. As we move forward these next three years, the most important component in setting the Town's agenda will continue to be listening to, and learning from the residents and taxpayers of Emmitsburg.

During my first three years as Mayor, I have consistently stressed the need for town government to be more open and accessible. This not only goes for the town staff, but your Mayor as well. One of the true benefits of small town life is the ability to interact directly with your elected officials. Quite frequently, I receive numerous inquiries from individuals with particular questions and or issue. It is a part of the job that I very much enjoy, and I welcome your questions.

However, as Mayor, I am asked to wear different hats at different times. One of these responsibilities is to serve as chief executive officer for the town. Like any CEO, my principal responsibility, as Mayor, is to see to the "general welfare" of the organization I serve. In my case, this is the "general welfare" of the Town of Emmitsburg.

In trying to be responsive to the needs of individual citizens and yet see to the "general welfare" of the Town; it is inevitable that these two worthy goals sometimes come into conflict. Lately, I have become increasingly aware of how often dilemmas surface regarding questions surrounding the Town's infrastructure.

During my first term, I can think of no single concern that has been more important to the citizens than the repair of our water and sewer systems. These concerns have not gone unheard. Over the past three years, your elected officials have responded to your concerns by undertaking an aggressive program of repair, and put funding mechanisms in place to insure that developers "pay their own way." In this sense we have made it clear that those who impact the system must bear some responsibility for its repair and maintenance. While these development issues grab the headlines, they are certainly not the only places where costs can be transferred from individuals to the public at large. Where such transfers are apparent, regardless of their scope or size, it is in the best interest of the citizens at large for the Town to intervene. In response to the growing need, the Town has implemented new permits (Street Cut Permits and Infrastructure Alteration Permits) that individuals must obtain prior to altering a connection or creating a new connection to the Town's infrastructure. These permits help the town monitor the work being done by private contractors which help us to insure that those who benefit from this work will be held accountable for paying for it. For some time, the Town has been concerned that such work performed by individual contractors needed to be more thoroughly supervised and inspected to insure proper installation. In implementing these requirements, there may be conflicts between what individual's desire and what benefits the public at large. As your Mayor, it is my duty in such instances to look to what benefits us all.

All permits are administered by the Town Planning and Zoning Office. Phone (240) 629-6303. Before beginning any projects, even the simplest projects such as a shed or a fence, it is always best to contact the Planning and Zoning department in advance and be advised of any permits and or regulations that may apply to your project.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the town office, or e-mail me at

Jim Hoover

Read Past Issues of 'From Mayor Jim's Desk'