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Catoctin Promise Band
Contemporary Praise and Worship Band

Eric Carmack

Sound Technician

The Vine Brethren In Christ

I have just recently joined The Promise Band in 2008.

My favorite verse is Romans 10:9

(That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your

Heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.)

My Testimony

From my teenage years until the age of 29 in 2003 I had done drugs. The summer of 2003 my aunt asked me to go to her church. I told her when my fiancé and I get married we will. We married in October of 2003, and the following month we attended church. The day before Thanksgiving my wife asked the pastor of the church to visit with us, and I was unaware of this until the phone rang. After she hung up I asked who was on the phone, and she then informed me that it was the pastor coming to call on us. So I hurried up and got ready for the visit. I was upset she didn’t tell me this sooner. However, after 3 hours of the pastor letting me know that whatever I had done in my past was forgivable no matter what it was I decided to let Jesus in heart. I had already tried everything else in life, and my life seemed to be at a dead end with nowhere else to go. Allowing Jesus into my life has been the best decision I have ever made. Jesus died for me just as he died for any one of you. Why not allow Jesus into your life like I have done.


Praising God Through our Music