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Good Day Neighbor

Decisions, decisions

Dorothea Mordan

(11/2022) "No one would have believed that in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s…No one gave a thought to the older worlds of space as sources of human danger."

These are opening words to H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, a science fiction classic about Martians invading Earth. In 1938 Orson Welles broadcast a radio adaptation of the story, presented as live news of an alien invasion taking place in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey—Martians landing and invading right now! The show was so believable that some listeners started to panic.

1938 War of the Worlds, dramatic delivery of an imaginary problem results in panic.

1692 Salem Witch Trials, dramatic delivery of an imaginary problem results in lethal assaults on neighbors.

1950’s McCarthyism, dramatic delivery of an imaginary problem results in shunning professionals.

2020’s Republican MAGA factionalism, dramatic delivery of the imaginary idea they are more patriotic, honest, divine than everyone else. The result is anyone who disagrees, receives threats of violence and death. Declaring they have won a patriotism purity contest they didn’t tell anyone else about, is the biggest imagination problem there is. Except one—the goal of turning accusations against fellow Americans from imagination to reality. Unbelievable conspiracy theories repeated until one by one, people start to believe.

These events call for deciding. Agree, disagree, or laugh it off as, "That can’t be real?" Does it make you want to vote? Feel like your vote doesn’t matter, they’re all the same? So many feelings presented as issues. Republicans told to feel democrats are the devil. Democrats told to feel the republicans are having hallucinations. Neither the devil nor hallucinations are legislative issues.

Reality is your vote matters. Would you elect a candidate who presents conspiracy theories as real? Issues are debatable, conspiracy theories are not. They are imaginary. Their definition can change mid sentence, as the speaker reads audience response. We The People are not theories, we are neighbors, just going to work and raising our families like everyone else. Reducing our different perspectives as Americans, to imaginary "culture wars" is not helpful.

Reality is the foundation for our lives, allowing our imaginations to soar to unknown heights. Another rocket full of astronauts took off for space on October 8. Affordable housing, education and jobs are the support each of us needs to plan and reach our goals in life. What a comfort it is that conspiracy theorists are so supported by reality that they have leisure time to make stuff up.

Reality is, according to the Crime Dashboard on, crime is statistically in decline in Frederick County. Proclaiming "support the police!" distracts from quality-of-life issues, tools for crime prevention.

Hallmarks of Incumbent Congressman David Trone’s legislative voting record address the economy, opioids, mental health, job creation, our supply chain, and manufactured goods that are Made in America—real issues. The CHIPS and Science Act, which Trone voted for and President Biden signed into law in August, includes investment in American manufacturing. Funding that means supply chain sensitive products such as semiconductor chips, used in everything from washing machines to cars to ballistic missiles, will be manufactured in towns across the country, not shipped across an ocean from Taiwan. By dedicating funds to incentivize manufacturers to build or improve factories, and provide workforce training programs to staff new factories, over a million good-paying jobs will be created. Jobs that can support a family, and be passed down to the next generation.

David Trone showed commitment to Maryland by fighting for and securing a combined $268,615,000 to complete work on U.S. 15, I-68 Viaduct, U.S. 220 and, finally, U.S. 219 North, which will complete the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS) through Trone's "Finish the ADHS Act" included in the IIJA.

Reality is good legislation means real solutions for bringing manufacturing back to America, highly skilled great paying jobs to places like Hagerstown, supporting infrastructure, protecting the supply chain, funding mental health support for police. This is in the Democratic agenda presented in Congress by David Trone, and supported by Democrats on our ballot.

Wes Moore for Governor, Carleah Summers for District 4 State Senate, Andrew Duck, Brandon Duck, Millicent Hall for State Representative, and Jessica Fitzwater for County Executive commit to economic development and bringing more jobs to Maryland and Frederick County. Frederick County Council At-Large candidates Renee Knapp and Brad Young, and Juliana Lufkin District 5, Karl Bickel for Sheriff, have real life experience to apply to county issues.

Board of Education candidates, Dean Rose, Ysela Bravo, Rea Gallagher and Karen Yoho commit to access to a broad education. The alternative candidates promote restricting education tools. Nothing good has ever come from banning books.

Our American society and democratic system are strong because of individual independence. These candidates advocate for economic and infrastructure tools that each of us can use to make our own decisions. Debate on investing tax revenue in us—We the People—is debate we need. While we wait for the GOP to stop being distracted by conspiracy promoters, we need economic tools for every American.

Reality is many people face huge problems, same as you and me. Challenges faced alone, or as a community, sometimes solutions work, everyone’s declared a hero. Or, they don’t and we are all the devil. But afterwards, we all, elected officials too, go to work and put on a brave face. I have confidence that we can have patience with each other.

The day after War of the Worlds aired, lots of people were pretty angry for being conned. How about we decide to vote for people who are focused on real solutions and let the conspiracy crowd sort out their feelings away from the legislature.

Reality is that our vote is one thing we still have.

It is up to each of us to vote for reality.

Read other Good Day Good Neighbor's by Dorothea Mordan