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Common Cents

April Fools

Ralph Murphy

(4/1) The President signed a $2.2 trillion dollar spending bill hastily passed by Congress the previous week. Described as a response to the Coronavirus concern the money is very near the amount cut from last years annual budget. The problem with that bill is it provides a vague spending mandate without source equity financing. No tax initiative was linked to the spending. That in a worst case scenario could lead to simple overprinting of currency and inflationary pressures not seen since the Carter administration in the 1970s.

There are varied cost currents playing out in healthy realignments following close scrutiny of a post Dodd Frank business environment where investment funds are closer to actual earners rather than impersonal larger directors. At the same time a subsidy regimen that had surreptitiously. and arbitrarily floated larger businesses at home and abroad had been revealed as illegal to source bank funds and disbanded affecting less competitive host and foreign programs,

Amid government contractor review to need and overcharge altered spending programs and older understandings of alleged earnings guarantees afforded rapid growth to more competitive alignments which followed. In the current environment market signals of consumer demand reflecting discretionary spending desire has replaced supplier guarantees of market control based on effective coercion. The latter want the guarantees again and that bill seemed a way to restore their old "glory" at consumer expense. It follows a pattern and cost scenario that would further state aid in stop gap inflationary spending that seems to actually have been caught in its infancy though the law would provide a spending legitimacy if the money itself was available. Again right now it would be illegal overprinting or provision of currency outpacing national earnings.

There are varied ‘business as usual’ aspects of this bill which do presume lack of public scrutiny or simple waiving of customary laws consistent with a guild group that was very strong to New York corporate links until about 2016 with the effective reversal of arbitrary large commercial bank controls of the nations finances. They needed force response or it’s implied leverage from their varied ventures and security pulled out of the alignment amid cultural and professional rifts and costly directives.

The bill itself favors larger businesses with over $500. billion described as loan or grant guarantees. That would affect what’s known as M2 or less liquid but tradable financial assets that would filter into the economy if retained domestically and accommodated by the monetary authority. Again a loan presumes the type of sales value it reflects to source earnings so it would just be a circle of value and transfer. It’s a hollow commitment without a valued asset backing it. Small businesses were to get another $300 billion there were other ill defined outlays tied to heath or education funding and a promised $1200. to most earners that would be quickly reflected in M1 or more liquid transaction means as cash or checks.

What is important to emphasis is foundational understandings of provable consumer spending are manipulated by official policy controls and actions often for very shallow personal or team gains and its personified by this Coronavirus scare and social, political and market disequilibrium avoidable if redressed by alternate groups and that includes security and they’re angry and ready.

If the bill is advanced without the tax backing there would be price rises or irregular and unpredictable inflation reflected by the policy makers overprinting decision. It would probably be the $2.2 trillion and in an economy of about $20 trillion if retained domestically would lead to about 10% annual inflation, which would probably advance a rise in treasury bill interest rates as with the Paul Volcker era of the late Carter and early Reagan administration. It’s all very avoidable if currency value has accord and changes to earnings work in tandem. If there are " gray" areas of policy implement there’s almost certain costly manipulation. There are officials who have debased a whole money supply to downgrade their personal nominal or fixed debt where its real value became far more.

There are other possible issues involved and all of them presume a working, coherent, and advanced manipulation control authority that supersedes or eclipses federal law to often illegal guild law or understandings. That group completely expired by the Dodd Frank repeal that restored investor control closer to earners about two years ago. There was a media to include entertainment pillar closely attached and a political component so close to them as to be almost indecipherable to operational range and appearance that has gone forward but brings us varied edicts forced on the public.

The foreign links to this spending bill are also important as the groups can be similar to lead projection and but have loyalties elsewhere. The European Central Bank was largely defunded when Goldman Sachs had to withdrawal in recent years, and announced a bond initiative at the same time as the bill was signed. About $900. billion of the empty American cash would have been available for European Union projects now in jeopardy.

European banks tend be very regional if used at all by the corporate community. $1.3 trillion of the aid package was clearly slated to domestic use here, but the rest while not asset backed might have gone to them. That would have affected the offshore dollar value now controlling about $6.7 trillion in trade. Most foreign transactions are in dollars, ideally they’d convert it in foreign exchanges but it is even used for foreign domestic transactions. It’s not asset backed to that bill and would face similar depreciation pressures abroad but they’d be honored short term.

Theft issues here to America until very recent foreign influence seemed to attack impersonal pooled assets where as in Europe they’ll direct it to specific and traceable personal accounts. I’m not sure about the Far East but the banking systems are less trusted than the American groups. The main point is the project money from that bill if sent abroad would decrease inflationary pressures here, but reflect empty asset commitments still probably honored to fill the gap of subsidy losses to artificial value of former tax based grants from the Americans. Very unlikely programs were maintained often at great cost. The money’s still available to conventional supply and demand but guarantees beyond actual market signals beyond it are lacking. It’s similar spending but there isn’t the guild type cap and redirects to output. Earnings are higher to reports but the social aspects have proven threatening to the grant linked programs which brings us Coronavirus rebound effect.

In relatively complex social understandings as reflected by political decisions it’s dangerous to embrace a group based on organizational precedent or spheres of control since player and directorate issues can often vary given newer opportunities or changes in the community environment. That is very clearly the case in intelligence which again had supported the older New York group and still has components that prop their media or political legacies, but have chosen to support production units now detached from the guild in a broader and impersonal simple support of standing federal statute and occasional security intervention redress actions. It had then been trying to prop an ill conceived and ‘flighty’ cartel arrangement that really did almost lead to our demise.

To digress a bit intelligence as involved was traditionally used for information gathering and counter sedition or terrorism generally to foreign concerns. There was a mission and hiring change after the Cold War that had officially ended in the early 1990s.There was gradual expansion of the mission it seems to include a cultural control aspect that could support very narrow and questionable vision as not always reflective of broader market type selection. That and the hiring allowed unaccented foreign penetration to include hard left components or relatively primitive social groups linked again it appears to the older guild. British groups did well as did the Russians and their a respective allies and were limited to affect more by orientation and background than structure. There was a technological "revolution" at the same time where cyber linked systems became so advanced they all but replaced the older tradecraft needs consistent with human physical contacts. It led to a new division called the Directorate of Digital Innovation or DDI that to some reports rivaled NSA in information gathering.

The problem with DDI is the relative lack of accords on bounds to collection and use of the almost limitless data. If managed correctly it could be the ideal tool for security enforcement with a warrant type interest in targeting. From recent reports however it is being used for suspect and personal or threatening group gains and seems to be playing a background role in this Coronavirus situation. It’s a veiled comeback attempt by that guild group remnant. It’s application has provincial or colonial aspects consistent with empire and commonwealth groups now roaming the cities to enforce the politicized edicts. What the reader has to understand is given the flow of events the politicians and their assets are isolating themselves into very suspect policy commitments. Security that has little to do with the culture team is mobilizing and dies support earners not the guilds.

At the federal level the virus which is curable has led to travel bans and internal closures or program delays. Individual states have " gone off the deep end" with " stay at home" orders in 27 of them consistent with a quarantine suppression. The federal office of disease control has linked about 2400 dead to the very broad concern, far below their listing for influenza among others in the same time frame at 6700. There have been 15 deaths here in Maryland and the governor claimed a stay at home order would be enforced by police with criminal sanction. Stores and schools remain projected as closed until mid to late April. I don’t know if they’re going to be able to do it. Security intelligence and the military seem opposed beyond the foreign penetrations and appear open to redress. The politicians and their media allies retain superficial control authority but that includes undue executive reach.

All that administration had to do to save their professional and possibly personal lives was to enforce standing statute in overt policy commitments that would afford stability and growth. The laws are fairly coherent here supporting universal or natural laws not personal edicts routine in theocracies or authoritarian regimes. Instead they went this Coronavirus angle and they sided with real haphazard propaganda teams consistent the guild or leftist pitch teams. They’re as empty as that spending bill and I think about to be dealt with.

Read past editions of Ralph Murphy's Common Cents