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Common Cents

The Power Gaps

Ralph Murphy

(10/2019) Refugee inflows from impoverished developing countries to wealthy western ones have subsided as have unregistered lightly linked cash outflows to those nations. Amid the lull a policy review to both provider and receiver nations should involve a challenge to the very unlikely gift giving that has proven terminally taxing at both ends. Primitive system support to include military alliances and even older slave trade routes have been dusted off while modern technological and transportation methods have also made the levels untenable.

Foundational understandings as conventional application for citizenship or work visas were in recent years simply flouted. Relevant customary laws were broken or not applied. Bank links to affiliations abroad received the same official largess. . A long trail of deportations, theft and damage issues by the unskilled often hostile communities has been the result.. That leads to the question what does one identify as community in the sense others are willing to work and otherwise tolerate prospective identifiable pain and pleasure patterns typical of the housing. Family obviously may be worth the toil to most, but will the citizenry identify completely unrelated peoples and systems for inflows or costly earnings outflows with the same warmth or understanding? History has no precedent for it as successful if they're not needed. Sorry about theirs but they do have a better chance at home where better invested likely for millennia.

The policies have been waived more than advocated by government officials who could have enforced federal law in those regards but didn't. Again application would have been enough, but the laws can also be vague in related governing authority which might factor into the money losses and alien tolerance.

If the American Constitution ratified in 1789 is here the source of governing authority its interpretation to effect stems from other understandings. The power and legal limits are so broadly written to include commercial and regulatory control authority it can be subjective or even ignored by design or misinterpretation. For example there's a stipulation that all power must stem from the people, No popular voting requirement is advanced however, and its result has been polls that which if counted by electors are used for statistical studies as they're bemoaned as not otherwise honored. The document also allows Congress to support armies as plural which has led to poor interpretation and helping foreign ones tied to defense or other programs. From economic to security, or linked regulatory services -even the structure of government- there has to be movement from customary understandings to traction on codes more consistent with impersonal application of universal systemic needs. Customary can be based on circumstance or policy whim.

The government could almost entirely be run by autonomous codes with the right variable inputs tied to relevant commerce or security needs. Those then enforced by law with deviations in theft or damage proven. There are consistent features in most all federal governing systems to include security, regulatory, and treasury policies that can be predictably enforced most anywhere if grounded in universal law.. An identifiable product with core features and only additional ones for model variance that can be discovered regardless of time or place as inherent in nature. They're easily spotted to tangible goods but can also be applied to social systems though anarchists would argue the predictable ones don't exist.

Multi system to governing issues needs are very skeletal but can't generally be otherwise counted by competing private sector interests as they are supposed to be relatively neutral for broad civil need and the others would push their peculiar advantage. The predictably main concern seems no single authority can consolidate power in which they don't otherwise have other interest for its creation, value or social role and manage it in the public interest. That is especially the case to monied interests notoriously banking by design or opportunity the official theft proves common. Advancements in technology can be broadly applied to private data of any type which would have been historically secure in a conventional private space as a file or safe.

Community routinely involves a great deal of-investment selection or trial and error which can't always be easily transferred, especially if guided by non systemic custom. Those tend to far less predictable as self styled features can include arbitrary social or economic policy that somehow work for the leadership. Religious tied cultural edicts are often the source of them- girls can't go to school or interest can't be paid on debts are examples.

At the policy level of current concern to the west is again mostly just enforcing investment rules as the bonding has permitted perhaps by chance but not by exclusion largely systemic enterprises to evolve and flourish here if not abused by official practice. There are predictable ministries or cabinet positions which do reflect these needs tied to defense, Treasury for transaction means or government fund storage, and regulatory issues like propriety if growth and stability is sought. Advancing a whole system and not unique recombinations of them or emotive foundations are more predictably useful and should be used.

There is an . Impossibly long list of potential systems which could hypothetically be accessed under the right conditions. They are however limited to those communities consistent with available resource capital to include tangible objects and training for their combination or access. Generally the tangible objects can be obtained by discovery or trade without hostile intervention. Very few hostile foreign ventures don't snap back to their cultural bubble without external support and those too are generally at a loss. If there are systemic exchanges most all are satisfied with the interchanges. If unilateral cost isn't otherwise offset the pain outweighs the pleasure unless overridden by a strong emotive to include love interest.

Regulatory needs routinely undertaken by the executive leadership should and routinely do include social mediation to diverse groups of varied.application tied to work, pleasure or impersonal association as passing on the street. Privacy issues like theft or damage can be legal concerns as well. Competitive pressures are almost a guarantee to impersonal wealth accumulation, broad affiliation to placement or threat perception often based on race or cultural hostility. Impersonal and predictable application can reduce the tensions in that regard if the case. Theft or damage as hostile interventions are the main concerns tied to that authority. When they become the source of it they do have to be confronted in varied protest or legal dealings.

A Treasury role is also almost applied to federal systems. A broad understanding in maintaining a currency value tied to growth changes not speculators who manipulate it. That's among the axiom oriented more dynamic variable data inputs that would have to come from close monitoring of the private concerns which accommodate them with that transaction medium. Trade barriers can't involve cash exchanges and serve that intent to precedent as they are randomly applied and become hard to track earnings to official public or private use. Security issues are predictably systemic to defensive practice and vastly irregular to offensive ones especially cross cultural where limited understandings prevail. A two decade Afghan campaign tied to a third party plane hijacking with closer ties to the domestic trainers than foreign officials might stand out on policy review to America's longest war.

Security, regulatory, and treasury controls are again predictably needed federal government required programs. Others funded as health, education, or labor can vary widely in cost and application compared to relatively inelastic ones cowered routinely by the private sector. The structure itself to placement authority can be debated but it does settle here on impersonal authority to new initiatives and the recognition of that fact should be relatively clear amid open debates to what could be closed issues. The executive departments require often advanced training and testing with the application then just meeting the role to objective requirements. New laws and open programs should be systemic linked that could potentially involve direct application to the community in its entirety. A spot issue as sage grouse habitat could potentially shut down the whole national grid. and not the relevant one in current legislative pushes. It should then be limited to regional authority.

Basic understandings of cultural bonding, civil affordance, resource potential and predictable application have to be tied to codes for enforcement and advancement of those concerns. Variable introductions of them from external sourcing or internal discovery can be beneficial if there's a mutual exchange and they don't crowd out domestic programs better suited to the environment. A whole external exchange that is introduced or accommodated as unilateral gain or loss is likely a gift or pillage effort and can't be realistically maintained by choice. It can by policy officials and invasive alien programs and unregulated cash outflows could prove terminal.

Read past editions of Ralph Murphy's Common Cents