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One Hundred Years Ago this Month

May 1909

May 7

One Of The Most Pleasant Functions Ever Held In This Vicinity

The reception tendered Mr. And Mrs. Joseph R. Hoke, at the home of Mrs. Hoke's parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Eyler, was one of the most enjoyable affairs given in this community in years. The Vigilant Hose Co., of which organization Mr. Hoke is a member, attended in the body. The Emmit Cornet band was also in attendance as were many others from town and the immediate neighborhood.

Mr. And Mrs. Hoke received in the parlor of Mr. Eyler's residents. They were assisted by Miss Fanny Hoke, and Mr. Robert Kerrigan.

Almost the entire population of Liberty Township besides the town folks took this occasion to express their goodwill for the young couple. As soon as the formality of the reception was over, the guests were entertained in a style particular to the host and hostess. The refreshments were delicious and bountiful. Speeches were made by several visiting gentlemen and songs were sung to the accompaniment furnished by the band. At a reasonable hour, the guests paid their respects to the host and hostess, said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Hoke and the delightful evening was over.

One of the guests showed his appreciation of the pleasures that had been given him, and in a way voiced the sentiment of all who attended the reception when he said - "I wish John Eyler had six or seven daughters to get married." Mr. And Mrs. Hoke are to be congratulated that they began their married life under such circumstances and make their home where they have so many friends.

Presbyterian Congregation To Consider Mr. Craig's Resignation

On Saturday, May 15 at 3 p.m. at the close of the preparatory service to the Holy Communion, a meeting of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church will be held to consider and act on the request of the pastor Rev. Gray to concur with him in asking the Presbytery of Baltimore to dissolve the pastoral relation now existing between him and the Emmitsburg Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Craig has been here for four years and in that time became a citizen of the United States, and won for himself many friends. A call he has recently received to an important field elsewhere has constrained him to take this action.

Corporation Officers Elected

Quiet Voting And Little Interest Taken In Results

The Corporation election was held on Monday. The same interest was not taken this year as last: 168 votes were cast; this year the figure was 127. The following is the results, the first name being elected;

For Burgess: M. F. Shuff, 88; T. E. Zimmerman, 33

For Commissioners: T. Bollinger, 99; O. D. Frailey, 98; J. D. Caldwell, 97; J. H. Rosensteel, 95; H. M. Ashbaugh, 95; J. T. Long, 94; (Elected). G. T. Gelwicks, 33; W. Zurgable, 33; G. T. Eyster, 33; J. Mac. Foreman, 31; B. I. Jamison, 29; F. A. Kreita, 27.

There were only two tickets in the field and the one marked 'People's Ticket' was elected. Complementary votes were given to several people not mentioned in the above list.

Emmitsburg W. C. T. U. Organized

A local branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized last Friday night in the Methodist Church. The Union consists of 16 members with Mrs. O. A Horner, President, and Mrs. E. E. Zimmerman, Vice President. Mrs. Emma Dietriek, of Lockport New York, a noted lecturer of the National W. C . T. U., and who is generally well-known in all temperance unions, gave a very interesting address. Reverend Mr. Glock and Reinewald presided. The attendance on the occasion was large.

May 14

New Constable And Lamplighter

Mr. John Sirwill has been appointed Constable and Lamplighter to take the place made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Hospelhorn.

Old Name Coming Week Committee Appointed

As stated in the Chronicle on several previous occasions, the executive committee of the Old Home Week celebration has been hard at work making the preliminary arrangements for the big time to be held in July. It will also be remembered that the town committee, which is one that is really to make Old Home Week a memorable occasion, would be named as soon as possible. Living up to this promise, the names of all those persons selected are published this week, and it is earnestly hoped that each one on the list will be present at the meeting to be held in the Opera House on Monday evening May 17, at 8 o'clock. At this meeting, certain plans that have been formulated and others that have been thought of will be discussed in full, and for the first time the public will be informed just what arrangements are to be carried out.

May 21

Over 100 Ladies And Gentlemen Gathered At The Opera House To Hear Plans For Old Home Week

Over 100 ladies and gentlemen attended the big committee meeting at the Opera House on Monday night to consider various matters pertaining to Old Home Week. The attendance was not as large as might have been expected but the interest was there that will make the celebration in July a success.

Several social functions held on Monday evening in the short notice of the meeting account for the comparatively small number who attended. Many have expressed a regret for their unavoidable absence.

Fatal Accident At Academy

On Wednesday afternoon at half past one Walter Fewster of Baltimore, one of the carpenters employed at St. Joseph's Academy, fell from a scaffold he was directing at the kitchen building and sustained fatal injuries. The platform from which he fell was 16 feet above the ground. He had just finished nailing in a support and was standing on it when it gave way. In his fall his body turned and he landed on his head on the concrete pavement below. The board that caused the accident fell and struck him in the back. Blood gushed from his nose and ears. Physicians were summoned and Dr. Stone was the first to respond. He found the man's condition so critical that he ordered him taken to a hospital at once. The skull was fractured and a collar bone broken. Doctor Stone set the latter and dressed the skull. He was taken to Baltimore on the first train. He died before 10 o'clock.

Mr. Fewster, while in Emmitsburg, boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. He enjoyed a splendid reputation here and in Baltimore. He was a sober, industrious and popular man. He is survived by a widow and six children.

May 28

St. Joseph's Academy Donates Old Home Ground

Through the courtesy of the Sisters of St. Joseph College and Academy the prettiest grounds in the whole neighborhood had been made available for the celebration of Old Home Week. These grounds contain 20 acres of level turf splendidly fenced in, and approachable in every direction. The beautiful scenery on every side will form an unusual setting when the various booths, tents and floats and other attractions are in place. The field lies immediately east of the baseball grounds, extending from there to the Bruceville Road. The main entrance will be from Main Street just west of Troxell's store.

No Excuse Now

Although much has been said about paper throwing in the neighborhood of the post office, up to this time, little has been done to date the nuisance. It must be admitted by all that the habit of opening mail and newspapers and carelessly throwing envelopes or wrappers into the street is a very objectionable one. This refuse litters the sidewalks, blows into the roadway or collects in basements, making unnecessary trouble for property owners and giving an unsightly aspect to the most prominent thoroughfare in Emmitsburg. Consideration for the appearance of the town, a little thought for those in front of whose premises this trash accumulates should have prompted everyone long before this to be careful about what disposition was made of waste paper. But now that a receptacle has been provided in place just outside the post office, it is to be sincerely hoped that all the people will be courteous enough to make use of it.

Veteran Honored By Troops

Three troops of United States passed through this town this morning and paid a very fitting tribute to a true soldier who is making a brave, and we hope, a winning fight for his life. Mr. Samuel McNair, than whom there are none braver, when he heard of the expected troops, expressed a desire to hear once more the inspiring tones of the bugle. Those in command of the passing troops gladly consented to the request and the soldiers gathered around his residence and the bugler sounded many calls. Those in command paid their respects to the veteran and the men took up their march to Gettysburg.

No one in Emmitsburg is more deserving of such attention and the crowds who gathered out of respect for the brave man, listened quietly. The reveille, which notifies a soldier that it is time to rise, was sounded by the buglers, voiced the prayer and wishes everyone gathered around Mr. McNair's home.

Shortly after the troops passed through town, two batteries of field artillery filed past the square. The soldiers will help at the unveiling of the monument to the memory of the regular soldiers who took part in the Battle of Gettysburg.

Automobile Line Working

One of the two automobiles that are to make regular runs from Gettysburg to Emmitsburg into Thurmont arrived here on Wednesday evening charge of Mr. Annan and Bert Hospelhorn. The other machine is in Thurmont. It will be in charge of Mr. O'Toole.

The machine is a 30 hp one and geared to speeds up from 10 to 15 miles an hour. It will comfortably seat twelve passengers; it has a top that will be weather-proof.

The two automobiles were consigned to Thurmont, and when delivered, had evidently been tampered with. The canvas cover was cut and the tools stolen, even as spouts to the oil cans have been removed. It is not known whether it was done at Thurmont or en route. The first run from Thurmont to Emmitsburg was made on Thursday afternoon. The Cars are starting on their regular runs today.

Read Prior '100 Years Ago this Month'

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