Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(8/2020) On July 22nd, Carroll Valley Borough was placed in the ‘D1’ Drought status. Possible impacts include some damage to crops, pastures, streams, reservoirs, or wells low, some water shortages developing or imminent. As such the Borough is requesting all citizens to consider voluntary water-use restrictions. Please consider conserving water by avoiding lawn and garden watering, pool filling, washing cars, etc. Further, because of these exceptional drought conditions, our local fire departments (Fairfield and Fountaindale) have requested all residents to refrain from burning. If you have any questions, contact the Borough office at 717-642-8269 or check the website for information and updates.

Last month’s column started with "We have entered the Green Phase of our state’s Pandemic Recovery Plan. The conclusion some of the populace may have reached was "Finally, it is Over!!!" Well as we have come to realize, it is not over. The virus has not gone away. And, in the ‘new norm,’ it may never be eradicated. Based on the information in the public domain, COVID-19 is incredibly efficient in transmitting from human to human.

The virus can produce a wide range of reactions in people, namely: no symptoms, mild symptoms, minor symptoms that require the individual to be in bed for weeks, and those who require to be hospitalized, require oxygen, intensive care, ventilation and face the possibility of death. So until more is known and a vaccine is available for those who are most vulnerable the most prudent advice is to follow the six-foot social distancing recommendation, wear a mask, especially when in public spaces, visiting your health care provider, on public transportation, shopping at a grocery store or pharmacy and interacting with clients/customers, frequently washing your hands for 20 seconds and staying home when you feel or are sick.

Thanks to our State Senator Doug Mastriano Act 74 was signed into law. This piece of legislation sponsored by Senator Mastriano streamlines the process for veterans who seek a driver’s license designation (American Flag) to show they served their country. Eligible veterans seeking such designation need to produce a DD 214 form, a VA medical identification card, retired military identification, or discharge documents to our local Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Act 74 takes effect in 60 days. At that time, call Gettysburg DMV at 800)-932-4600 to check it out.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people in Adams County have offered and experienced acts of kindness. The Adams County Library System wants to hear your story. The deadline for submission is Saturday, August 15 and winners will be announced the week of August 24th. Winners’ stories will be published on the official Adams County Library System’s website at The topic is My COVID-19 Kindness Story and there is one prize for each category. Categories are Preschool; kindergarten through second grade; third through fifth grades; sixth through 8th grades; 9th through 12th grades. The maximum word count is 550. One entry per person. Upload your story at or email the story to – be sure to include My COVID-19 Kindness Story in the subject line. For further details contact Dawn Smith at (717) 334-0163 or

Starting August 3rd, the Carroll Valley Library will be beginning Browsing by Appointment services. Library users will be able to contact our local branch and schedule a 30-minute appointment to browse and check out library materials. Computer use, copying, printing, faxing, and Library to Go (pickup of holds) will also continue by appointment. Later in August, the library will be debuting their first ‘Story Walk in the Park.’ Pages of a story will be laminated and attached to yard signs throughout Carroll Valley Commons. Kids and their caregivers will visit each station to read the entire story while taking a stroll through our beautiful park! ‘Reading, Exercise, and Being Outdoors’ cannot beat that combination!

United Way of Adams County (UWAC) has taken the lead of the annual Adams County School Districts 2020 Back to School Project by collecting and distributing backpacks and school supplies to families struggling to make ends meet. With the generous support of churches, businesses, organizations, and many individuals, the project has helped each year hundreds of students in grade K-12 start the school year with tools they need to succeed. Last year, with the generous support of hundreds of donors enabled UWAC to help more than 500 students. A donation drop off box is in the Borough Office lobby. The last day to register for the program is August 2nd. For more information call UWAC at 717-334-5809.

The first 2020 Electronic Recycling Event hosted by Fairfield Borough was held on July 18th. A total of 112 vehicles brought electronic material that filled two Parks containers (one 15-yard container and one 20-yard). The number of vehicles by municipality that participated in the recycling event follows: Carroll Valley 50, Hamiltonban 24, Fairfield 19, Liberty 11, Highland 5, and Freedom 3. The next electronic recycling event will be held in Fairfield on October 17th, 2020.

During this pandemic, acts of kindness inspired all of us. Thank you, Heather Wright, for making 25 face masks for all the Borough employees. Thank you, Kathy McCabe, for donating hand sanitizers to our Police Department and the Fairfield & EMS Department. Thank you, Lakehouse Distillery for donating 12 bottles (750 ml) of hand sanitizers to the Borough. Thank you, Bill McCleaf and family, for allowing us to launch the July 4th fireworks from your farm.

And, most of all, thank you who gave blood at our recent Blood Drive. There were 47 donors. The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank collected 31 pints of blood, which will save 93 local lives. We appreciate everyone’s thoughtfulness and kindness. The next Borough Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 11th at 7 p.m.. Please keep well! You can contact me at or 301-606-2021.

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