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Adams County gears up for May re-opening

Rick Fulton

(4/26) With Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf's "stay at home order" expiring on May 8, Adams County officials are beginning to plan to reboot, not only county services, but the county, as a whole.

Commissioner Randy Phiel said, "The (county) courthouse is open presently for emergency and essential filings, but not for the general public." Those authorized to access services at the courthouse are presently required to "be wearing a mask of their own (we provide no masks to the public) and allow their temperature to be checked."

He said, "On May 4, the courts will begin to open their departments (courthouse and the 525 Boyds School Road Human Services Building) to begin the work of dealing with the backlog of cases caused by the shutdown."

In addition, Commissioner Phiel stated, "Also, any departments whose activities relate to the courts will be operating at, or with nearly a full complement of staff."

Regarding various county projects, the commissioner said, "We intend to return to rehabilitation of the Mercy House following the construction guideline issued by the Governor's office. The opening of construction guideline becomes effective May 1." The building has been slated for renovation with the intent to rent the facility to RASE, a regional non-profit specializing in substance abuse recovery services.

Concerning possible further progress in lifting other restrictions that have been imposed by Governor Wolf, Phiel stated, "The Adams County Adult Correctional Complex will continue to be closed to the public until further notice," further noting, "As federal and state guidelines are issued, we will accommodate accordingly.."

He noted that, after May 8 (the expiration of the state stay-at-home order), county department staffs may "likely" be required to "continue to work remotely, and (while) a portion of staff will operate from their department locations." The distribution of labor would thus aid in maintaining social distancing at county offices.

Until the Wolf mandates expire, the commissioner said, "We will be following recommendations from the state on use of masks, temperature checks, distancing, (and) requiring those that become ill to stay at home or leave work (as appropriate)," adding, "We will respect the governor's zone-by-zone openings and guidelines; this will dictate how we proceed to an opening to the public."

In the interim, a notice issued by the county commissioners on April 24 stated, "Adams County has been conducting their bi-weekly Board of Commissioner's meetings by teleconference in order to protect the health and safety of the public and staff."

"The Adams County commissioners continue to encourage public participation and are providing a call-in option for the public. If you are interested in participating via phone, please call 1-844-621-3956, enter meeting number 479 516 558 #." the advisory stated, adding, "The bi-weekly teleconference meetings will continue until further notice."

The statement further commented, "The Adams County Board of Commissioners and courts appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding, as we adapt and overcome this pandemic. We especially want to recognize and thank all Adams County staff for their dedication, patience, understanding and support during this unsettling and uncertain time."

The next meeting of the County Commissioners is scheduled for May 6.

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